its just acting not real

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our studio was fine i just have lines with Reis this time from charming and the fish episodes  its still season one he's serious when he act i am the same i play along the movie since i sang also too it was good really good job so he look at me as i do my job

"This just a series our real self we have personal things in mind babe so well we have a break right so no camera rolling?"

"yeah its done showing already so babe on set focus okay dates later komodo babe okay you know i fast aged on a prison cell you can see me there cant see you right i can feel you smell your scent now i can see my honeyboo"

"i feel bad about you babe i said three weeks not three hundred year punishment its too harsh so i have to make it up to you all those three hundred years wasted since we lost spark together now we are whole babe so we have nice rest rooms good and spacy right not a crappy one on Brahma's?"

"yes its good since better food better crew since we handle it properly oh Reis i am so lonely without you" i was kissing my chickem drumstick pillow that I called Reis he sighed to me

"Babe i am here not that pillow okay i am real not that one your hugging it"

"Of course silly its you i know my husband i gave you my blood twice"

"its good but i have enough or i suck all it out do you think i am a vampire drinking your blood as food nope i am not a lamp ray sticking to a fish as a parasite i am not like that"

"I know its over lets swam out of here my Reis" still hugging the pillow and my larger husband "aw babe your squsihing me so much you have a strong grip can kill Kyle in weeks"

"aw babe its better to hug you with dont you love me even i am strong like you well i am supposed to be a mermaid not a merman"

"well sadly you are babe well you said your cursed so its true i am sorry for you really well at the bright side your still my number one idol"

He made me blush again he love making all cheezy and snazy even on surface as he saw a flier "dancing with the stars babe we can practice together hmm wanna sign up its a trophy too first place with good performance any dance and any sizes too well i can fit in too as long with my wife was willing so lets get it right okay all those three hundred years wont go to waste we can do this right so lets do this"

"Reis i love you i wont betrayed you babe i am so sorry really i am sorry i am the traitor in the family i may be not a perfect wife for you"

He hugged me tight "its okay babe you will be fine okay lets practice dancing since well competition will be starting on next week i signed us up since well just a competition doesnt hurt winning right come on just for the kids?"

"Fine lets get some nice clothes hmm okay still playing poker on pubs babe?"

"nope i am with you i dont have vices your love is my drug cant resist your love babe even it hurts so much" i cried into his chest as he hushed me "i am so sorry i made bad choices  okay i am so terrible for you Reis i deserve any punishment"

"no more okay you wont received any and those three hundred years is too Much i said weeks you end up years thats fast okay i know sea demons aging fast on prison cells like you i wont okay no more dont cry huh enough guilt you have enough of it love you gone blind that's worse okay now you see me that your getting young also right so feel relax now huh?"

"i guess lets go to bed babe is my tummy round do we have sex from last night what did you do?"

"sort of yes i fucked you when your asleep its a kid inside you and its growning up you know what is it"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now