our millionth anniversary

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Rei's P.O.V

I love Calypso she's so hot we have sex in the basement of the stadium when someone knock in i cloaked ourselves since her vagina got excited it trapped my stiffed dick so we find somewhere else the abandoned nursery cave it was years since queen Lydia produced three eggs on there its long time that Calypso never forgets it she too was born in her Father's womb along with her twin Cameron i love her so much even she got three mates her father her first husband the warlord and me the the other husband its okay still i cant replaced Kyle in her heart i know we have to support the kids have mates of their own now we have another batch to wait for its girls on the next few eight months of my wife's labor as she smiled at me that innocent blue eyes her long flowing black hair my hair starts to grow longer the better that i have to be neat yes her first husband have a dagger comments that i am immature i am matured its just he grins alot we also start doing acting we shared the same room we have together as parents that is

"Ready babe you know still on going charming and the fish in here was it?"

she shrugged at me well we don't know whats happening to the set even i have to bring a Trident i maybe larger merman my wife was the same still i love her even as a merman i gave her space treating like a lady she disserves.. Now cuttle ball starts i have plans leading the team to a tip top position through it all tiger sharks in the winning position i swam so much till i reach the end touch down well body guards made sure all players are out of the way just to win this a very dirty player too so my wife's turn till with a buzzer beater game won about fat chance we made it good this time

I yawned and scratch my scales starts to fall off as it replaced shiny new ones per week we shed scales like snakes too its called molting everyone does that leaving dead merfolk's scales to the sandy floor

"Well looks like everyone's tails are refreshed babe is it itchy with having old scales you know like deadskin on the feet?"

"oh yes babe it was well we shed once a week to replace new sets of scales in the tail honey i wish you can paint webbed toes again i cant crack fins on Atlantis babe?"

She sighed "I know only webbed hands give me your webbed hands i will make sure your nails are cared for honey oh you want hair cuts a trim perhaps?"

"i am satisfied not being cut thank you its good making it long and it cause split ends after you cut it i taken care of it ever okay now were are we going oh shit the studio we are so late for our television series come with me this way to the studio"

She followed me as i check in my Trident its normal but with Calypso's blood its weird i never tend to hurt my queen ever that Bob was a theif i know i and i smell trouble with it ever i love my wife as we swam to our setting place and start acting few hours to kill then acting the same its fine to me

"Baby happy anniversary this means you know what its our milestone isnst great babe we live hundred something years old now"

"actually your right since i give birth so many children that we dream off dont you know that i still love you Reis i still survive being a mermaid i outlive others cause of them we live longer"

"i know but your giving birth soon you see we have more Prince's ready and still we live in prime"

She snort with a scowl i love when she did that thing but fry pans really hurt alot when i done something wrong like dancing she swats her tail on me i love her its just sometimes she really have period literally.. we are done in the set and now going home check everyone and the restaurant then swam carry her to bed she's still my star even she sang great..

Argos's P.O.V

I love my son Reis he's nice sometimes he acts like a brat but now as a king and father of many guppies he got i love my son through guidance we have to give him me and his mom are so proud to have Calypso as our daughter in-law although birth complications can be risky alot of times though now she's fine atleast come to visit us in a nice way she swam in and said to us "its our anniversary guys well we send invitation to you know just a date its normally grand nothing much but i am okay"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now