why demons win?

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Its game over for us i am slowly dying till uncle scott Mac Samson uncle Crusher uncle Stiles Tony and aunt Chloe Aunt Gwen

"Guys we found them all in here its chad his passing out theres Reis Derek Lydia and Dad Peter the lids heavy scott do overdrive"

"who needs lids when i can bash them with a hammer i am breaking them stiles you know how to pick locks too oh since we have to stop Kyle he's using almond's form to confuse us"

"great genius we have a dried merman here come on i got the queen to the pool he's drying up here goes nothing hydro pump"

I was wet and alive coughing up as gills working up Reis was out as he jumps out of the tank and now he got legs as he saw me "Chad its okay we are getting out of this lair i got you babe he's chained we are all chained use your fire power Gwen"

She used her powers as cutting the chains and bracers melted immediate Reis carried me since my dad Derek and my mom Lydia already jump out from the tank to the pool where in and out gramps was safe too our barriers failed why??

Reis swam in bed with me we are now in our merfolk forms "babe wake up love Chad my beloved queen my inspiration hey good you are awake we are at home you can't breathe without water so here we are back home in the ocean babe see my tail and yours?"

I removed the sheets as my fishtail was back yet i feel sick "our babies it hurts dad Reis our babies its gone and it hurts " he saw it out of my tummy not moving as he cried too dad and mom see dead guppies in bed as uncle Kevin said "they are overdue they die inside since we didnt take them out immediately i am sorry we have to clean you up Reis hugged me seeing our dead guppies lifeless as they are out my mother cried too as same as my father

" its okay we can have another one more Chad okay we lost them and we can get them back not this time but few months i still love you Chad no matter what death comes in the pod especially our children its okay hush now"

"Dad it hurts so much i have failed to be a perfect mother ouch it hurts even you cut the cords they are lifeless twins our babies"

My dad sighed and cover his tears "He will pay big time he killed a life which was in a womb Lydia his pregnant Reis twins there are two more alive theres hope see they are four children only two cant breathe i got one and another one hold on Chad

Boys Aiden and Jericho are out now problem is Kyle he's much stronger and even now he took Almond with him.. Chad it will be alright now son flipped your tail and your fins so lets try you can swim this time"

I rose up and swimming up again Reis was with me embraced me we just eat after i weaned two dead and two alive guppies as my parents taking care of them Reis have to drink my chest

"i really feel bad for them look even a mother cant take any loss of a child Lydia"

"its too much i know how he feels and he came from you Derek in your womb not mine i can sense him more in dispair still holding cradling both dead children in their arms"

"we can bury them and let the twins live with their parents we cant have them since we adopted girls already Reis still you hate Kyle?"

"hell yes what he did to Chad was unbearable now our guppies died let the living kids with us bury the dead ones its okay Chad"

He kissed my forhead and now he was focus in the family our family..

we are busy even we carried our children we never leave them even feeding in my chest Reis covered me with his cape

"eat more Chad the pain will go away soon okay i know it hurts having kids cannot make it out alive i can comfort you now okay all the matters our children growing up fast and strong its alright i am here we mourned our children about five weeks already its okay we have to move on and cherished what we both have say Congo's a new restaurant and probably nice restrooms to fit in well you can be in our mermen restroom your a merman my queen it doesnt bother gender bender thing you fall in love with a mermaid that doesnt last long anyway so you must eat more meat i develop taste of human meat but well sharks can be good and tasty though have you eaten already?"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now