Chad i still love you okay?

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"Chad i love you dear no matter what happened i will never let Captain Almond snatch you away from me i swear to Neptune that my mate would never haul any crazy ship that strapped in your waist babe okay say anything what you feel a bit déjà vu right now still feel the heat i want to have sex with my wife now i am yours a husband a sea king oh your ass is always open again"

"fuck me babe i want your cum so much i love it fuck me hard please your so good dont stop dad so good "

He entered my ass it feels good when he enters it i can feel his hairy chest and his muscled hairy fin arns till i saw his tail splitting he feels it so good as he muttered to me "hurry something wrong with me chad i am being manipulated by him its that Kyle guy"

"no you can't leave me Reis lets go up you can't breathe your not a merman anymore no Reis please i will do anything stay with me keep the gills open"

He nodded i am loosing my king my handsome Reis i pour my blood in his mouth he drinks it as his tail was back i strapped him a sage band each of us he struggles more i keep him stable

"its working the blood of the queen was powerful against dark magic pulses now where are we still continued to thrust since i hope this wont never affected our children thank you i must heal you i drank so much of your blood i am not a vampire"

"no it helps you to control manipulation it works and my blood was stronger than you know your tails permanent i made sure it won't split you cant leave me how about the kids if your on shore cant go back cause your no longer a merman?"

"i can and thank you babe your blood made me more immortal once i drunk the blood of a mate it stops manipulation of the dark Lord its strong enough to stabilize the fusion of my legs to tail again now no more i feel pain of tail splitting it end so fast than i know it so good wait is my dick have enter your ass already why was it so tight?"

"Excited thats why i have to unexcited it by calming down there how was it are you alright Reis?"

"i am fine its just the manipulation that shook my bloodstream i will be fine babe dont worry i am all cool now i never leave you babe its okay i am here don't cry huh i love you"

He released his dick out of my ass since i cried so much "i dont want you go up and leave like daddy was he lied to me he will stay but wasn't fair i almost have him back now he's up in the surface"

"I know Manning two worlds can be harsh look babe everything will be okay its alright i am a pure merman now your blood supplies me that making me whole more reborn part of the seas that taken my mortal nature i am much more alive i and i will keep you alive Chad its okay i am here and never gone in your sight love its been the longest time we lived here in Atlantis and now its okay thanks Chad you open my immortal state you done my transformation your blood ritual made me alive and more stronger than a human being more stronger and reaping monsters apart with your milk that suffice me once since we have kids and still i feel yours its already seven months already i see its getting round and your feeling uncomfortable having kids?"

"I am fine in the ocean its just the surface i dont feel right about it i dont wanna loose you Reis please don't go"

"i swear as your husband i am not going anywhere without you i will heal your hand oh your father lied he's here your grandfather stays in the surface its okay you save me again dear".

He touch my hair as we both kiss together we arent slender we are bulky strong mermen as i saw my father smiled at Reis

" What happened here and i heard my son cried for me and what happened to you?"

"its complicated well i was manipulated and Chad let me drink the blood of a royal family he made me complete and my tail is back"

"ah sage magic runs in the family someone who loves was worthy of sacrifice by spreading the blood well at least my son have taste in you Reis now since your a permanent merman once my son gave you his blood your His own he have marked you and his price was heavier its the ritual you possessed the sea Titan's gift your a sea god like me both you and the sea titan will have more children the blood was a contract when you taste the blood of the queen your immortality grows counter's your mortal self Reis"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now