fifty years due time

7 3 0

After my labor fifty years are up i bore Sheldon and Caprice to Reis i love him and still wearing dad's merchandise i love Derek hale shirts even he wears one "its time we have to settle things down dad Argos stay with my wife or mike will kill the queen okay?"

"As you wish my son i will me and your mother tend your sons Reis he's no ordinary sea demon prince"

"and so does the weapon i know that i am prepared for this the katana can hold a class s sea demon prince i am s class Royal sea king and i dont need another lover of my wife to be his own mate i love my wife more than anyone so much since the loves first swing"

i kissed Reis and him too "dont do that bite and bleed thing that made me stronger thing again"

"its a tradition and you do the same if i die after Mike killed me you can see what as on the future you held my webbed hand my dear"

"it wont happened i saw my dad died same as you your better safe in here while i battle my queen thank you my love just live long dont worry about me worried about our kids okay especially this twins fight him the katana absorbed his demonic powers and trapping him"

"then no one will use the katana your right i know love thank you my dear wife be strong okay"

I nodde he kissed my lips he swam towards the battlefield i let some guards around cause sharks attracted to blood they made them excited now killer whales are on standby right now..

"Wheres Chadrick my love what did you done to my love?"

"none of your business Vincent he's mine your battle is with me now Musaragi katana unleashed your true power trap this demon!"

Vincent chuckled at Reis " even you trap me i will have Chad back he swear an oath to me we will be married i will break free and find you Reis i can get out of here"

"not entirely this katana sucked your powers and you inside dark knight now good bye" with one flash of strike it sucked Vince inside and so his twelve dark knights of evil "

Uncle Alec yelled "We won over this years we trained so hard oh gotta have this traps on special sea demons like Vince i know clarity shells are for minor sea demon but advanced trap needs more larger traps like katana sucking strong demon just put in the ground and do its work did you do that?"

"i watched my wife dozen times of his swings on clam ball i think he was safe now i have to go my wife and children are in the palace mom and dad and sir Derek where's Chad i said to him stay here why the kids are here?"

"he's off the stadium since you know he's a player now just relax he's playing for you and our kingdom as still the batter now lets go to Neptune stadium superbowl is a must watch since your wife is there tired of just waiting so activities"

"great thanks dad i thought anything happened to Chad i swear i will find him and hunt who held him captive"

My dad chuckled at him now they are all swimming to see me in the stadium all furiously waving at me my crazy pod was back and Benny the catfish now focus chad you owe Reis a vip to watch him acting atleast he's overcome the being well brain fart in the middle of the set he goes blank when his mind doesnt work due our babies crying he always think of me even thanking me how i get his set done well it was broken its a classic glass chess peice collection and i replaced the half that the catfish broke it by swing his fishy tail seriously.. after the game it was fun now Reis swam tackled me like crazy kissing me

"Baby its over he's out of our tails now what you worried about was the surface right yes?"

I nodded at him "once they get in there's no way out once he was in the ocean he will live as a merman forever with us thanks Perry thank you some other time"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now