Finding Emmett

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"We will get Emmett back the kraken Prince our son?" I nodded at Reis as i told him

"yes he's our son who ventured out and i feel him his shit scared lonely and we have a child which is seven months with me"

"oh the pressure okay fine we can do this and Lucas said the belt can break glass lets go i know since marina is built for trapping merpeople"

We swam up i head captain Skye the narwal gardian which was a white mystical creature he was beautiful he can talk to us since we are part fish

"no worries captain Skye never fails even not a fucking prune i am i dont retire on duty when a prince is in danger before he was sushi"

"thats what we are afraid off oh a  sea pegasus swimming up thats nice"

"thats not a hypocampy its a sea dragon puffy hi dude the pod need a lift sharks to your posistions"

"aye captain Skye okay i may look freaky bit i am nice one to merfolks like you guys okay heads up he's in the pirate's cabin locked up not in the tank i say"

"hes in bracers it prevents any merfolk to swimming away from its master i know that ship was hurting my tummy"

"it won't be since lets free the pirate king out of the dark Lord here's  the enchanted mirror with a seal"

"Its like Pokémon gotta trap them all oh boy thanks dad same as this place was crash for the party thanks Puffy!"

"i am with you guys knock him dead well if i can go in that is did you put the trap on a sleeping dark lord so the merman pirate king your son where's the crew and all?"

"kyle and his followers are inside the enchanted mirror we save our child and the human well other pirates are hitting marina abandoned ship guys!"

I yelled as well now we take off Emmett's and the pirate king turn merman Ambrose "i know it wont hold the enchanted mirror we block the pathways of dark lord Kyle again we will be safe hey Ambrose nice tial its red and its good on you"

"thanks who are you why are you all dressing in costumes?"

"its not costumes not even silicones its real if you think its fake can you walk on surface back without necklace?"

"i can't i dont have legs he took my fucking legs i cant walk i have a tail and its real i wont see my family anymore i am not human he almost eat me"

Oh great drama queen fine we have to take him on surface i hate baby bumps in my tummy all the time that Reis insert his cum in my ass which how i love it how warm feels like it we reach Bermuda and kissed the sandy shore flipped tails as i tossed the necklace to him..

"i am a victim of a curse i cant run nor walk he disables my legs okay?"

"welcome to the club your not alone having a wheel chair its two wheelchairs for us"

we saw our son as his tentacles go legs we hugged him and we saw  mindless pirates heading here well they are as Ambrose yelled

"lets get out of this island get me to your home folks i am a fish i cant breathe"

"easy tiger we can handle it hey who wants fattened up human roll?"

"we do and its yumny have you eaten a human before Ambrose what does it taste like?"

"chicken the dark lord feed me cause he loved me and i guess he want me breed his guppies to him i wanna go home to the sea which i watched too many little mermaid movies"

"fine but its not your typical looking Atlantis that tanned Triton is in the kingdom our triton here is fair skinned highly sensitive muscular merman and well hold your tounge he's a great prince of Atlantis"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now