the sea king's birthday

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Steve and Tony swam up and sit down with us in a television

"what happened we miss the fun demon hunting stuff you guys have adventure huh well pop corn and root beer superbowl?"

"yeah now its cuttle ball since clam ball closed for renovation about the eggs that dark knight laid on we crushed their eggs though and i know we angered the queen was it?"

"i slained her with a blade well electric blade it wasnt awesome i know that well its okay we have fun around then well since the release of twelve knights i kind of set the portal open in the stadium basement"

"you what?? Now it seeks revenge no matter what it hunts you okay we are not so okay right now we have five mermen to save plus this twelve dark knights demon are really powerful really i know they are strong and still now well others are fine and i am afraid those five demon dark knights are now having bodies of their own and when it did we are so much in trouble okay since eleven dark knights one is a dark lord so its twelve demons five are now bodies complete and now seeking its followers you know that too Reis right?"

"yeah speaking of a sea banshee its one of them too and its a girl you dont expected a sea banshee with legs she got tentacles like Emmett and Samson and it will be troublesome when it swam here her name was  Marius i know its weird names of those demon things since Kyle is a darklord Kraven was the right hand the left is Ardus Third Creon fourth telemasis fifth Amos sixth Reidus seventh Ardax eigth Soreis ninth  tax tenth Perius eleventh Hydro and last Lamia so it's twelve sea demon knights are released and that box contained in it your so curius you set demons loose all over the ocean Steve you know it will cause mischief anyway its okay and its out now and now its on our own how to cleanse the ocean well we cant we need a special potion to cleanse it and now its permanent so everyone is a merfolk by now"

"I know its also unhappy to be one well when your human you love to swimming in the ocean but now your a merman your jealous on how humans have legs for granted we can still have legs for walking running and jumping so Chad still going to the stadium after well fixed?"

As my husband said to me "yeah but the office in the restaurant was trashed and its most expensive to repair the whole office since its been knocked out dad's possessed i once can't control my body since one demon have a body lock curse on me i resist its commands by putting a helmet on so do i look stupid wearing this since we don't know who they strike next"

"Your right it will take a long week no play no work but i have to do television acting so your free to see me acting at teen fish arent you going there?"

I chuckled as i touch his beard "yeah as long i am your queen i am allowed okay have fun Reis woo i am the alpha fish now"

He go sour i love that he scowls like daddy its his trademark even on clamball point and grunt..

I like tony much he bakes more cakes having trouble with decorating the cake i guess its Reis's birthday oh my i forgot my Hubby's birthday was today i swam up with him and well holding our with webbed hands well atleast Tony created his birthday cake so i got him a new phone his old one died out atleast  now i have gave something for his birthday "happy birthday you like it sorry daddy bit you he didnt mean it its just one of those exocisim stuff that well hard to sing when a family pod was possesssed so was it okay the gift i gave you oh how about a new trenchcoat you love it"

"thanks i dont need another one nor a fedora i need was you thank you so much you remembered my birthday it made me special so much Tony knows my birthday its okay how hard he tried making me a birthday cake its delicious its okau i have a bottomless pit look i won't be pregnant like you I was born different okay just a dad who gave seeds after sex in bed to make my wife pregnant and there are kids are now growing up having families in Atlantis oh Chad i love you so much you purified everyone its good that is change alot since your everything to me really i love the way you are it doesnt matter tails or legs as long we have each other as parents to our children we wanted this i never take family for granted i missed my human mother was now a mermaid well there are people try to protect others are from greed thats why there are good innocent people there hi willow thanks for dropping by"

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