Dark Family secret revealed

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Reis smiled as we are all in a puzzled look my dad said to him as he growled

"what so funny Reis that my family is a sirenex we dont turn people to stone we eat them alive we lure them in the ocean that they will be do you think how funny huh?"

I restraint dad and kissed him "its enough daddy you will have another heart attack so how are kids Daddy?"

"fine all grown up my little sour fish its just i want to protect you as daddy's little girl now a son that i love is a merman a sirenex breed so you love the way how to hunt women?"

"yes but i prefer men i always wanted a man was now one of us a merman its okay he doesnt take it seriously you want me knocking him with a fry pan daddy?"

He chuckled coldly "why not my lovely child here knock him with it its a real fry pan honey" exactly what i meant i hit Reis in the head as i snort with puffy flaired nose..

"ouch sorry i didnt mean to laugh but seriously you can turn people to live statue?"

I nodded yes at him as i warn him "dont glare at our eyes when its red its hard to find a screaming mandrake that can cure petrified victims to life seriously.."

He sighed as he feel the bump in his head with a fry pan my mom laughed as she remembered "Ah love when a woman got jealous really husbands deserved right from the top you know my ex husband's history that well love at first swing he was a beautiful sirenex i ever love really i remembered i have legs once just like my husband before a hundred years change from our adoptation from surface at first it really hurts to be a sirenex really your different being human as a mermaid i know our secrets well its just we wait to say it till chad grows up well ahead of you since we are a thousand years older than Reis your just a new fish a hybrid what you call it your dad is a Sirenex too its not a harpy and a merman combined its well a gorgon and a merman to combine along with us once humans to be the sea people as you can see how strong our tails after we swimming in and out of the ocan to our now massive land in Bermuda it wasnt simple really walks are difficult but we master it now chad you can walk child we swear to look you up and see the process so lets go swam up and see the change"

He nods at me on what i said to him "so your former woman name calypso how many people well men you seduced before i was born?"

I clear my throat "yes i was once a woman now a merman yes in my time i was prettiest human on atlantis so many suitors and my father was Derek same king once before your time Reis we are all cursed in one permanent i saw the dark entity its so vile its been years that Kyle released it the idol have a missing gem that who ever took it turning humans to merpeople

I scour the ocean finding that gem if i found it some humans wanted to be with us i know that they wanted away from their parents same as adults even human husbands have depression me and Reis found a man who was drowning till we saw his wallet out if his pants he have a tail we know him as Alec Davinci

" He sound french by the looks of his tail i guess it pays off Chad stay away from him he's human your a merman he will exposed us babe listen let the sharks eat him"

I have enough Reis baby sitting me not to do anything so i grabbed him down towards our room sometimes i am the rule breaker

"why are you nursing a enemy babe please chad i am so late at my work place"

"just be quiet Reis go ahead i will catch up i made sure his wounds are healed there he will be healed he's sleeping and his neck the gills are normal his fin arms are good his webbed hands are good i left him food guards make sure he wont escape okay?"

They obeyed at me keeping eye on the human guy fish  so i swam next to Reis i can punch him since i am a merman..

"Okay chad where are we about being human well before your a sirenex that kyle unleashed the great sea curse for all humans to be like us so your interesting yet cliff hangers babe"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now