Checking the studio

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Reis's P.O.V

Our people made sure the set wont fall apart even headlights i ask timmy and james about the equipment in the set

"All settled no foul play sir Reis lady Calypso wont get hurt in the set we made sure equipment are secured sir oh we made trippled your security since well you know the daddy killer will strike again"

"thanks for your concern my wife worries me alot times i feel her uneasiness when we both feel it though okay charming and the fish let's get this camera rolling guys wheres my mate she should be here now Calypso babe where are you i just finished taking care of Louie  Calypso"

After we have won the team she supposed to be with me in the set i swam in the dressing room tides hope not Calypso was ditched out by Bob..

I find my wife everywhere in the dressing room till she was out "babe there you are what happened?"

"I am alright its just i have period i cant do this okay we have mensuration period like human women have it and really it bleeds alot i am afraid our sex will be on hold okay?"

I sighed at her "okay it will take six days i swear before you know it you will be fine dont cry" i wipe her tears with a towelette i stared at my webbed hands and hers

"If we are humans we arent hiding from them we can be in a happy place even without powers but now we have it we are so unhappy when we all shifted to merpeople its our life now a curse that was so permanent right?" I smiled at her and nodded and embraced her now my tail was with hers we are doing sex scenes for the television series but its for the sake of acting

she stared at me for a longest time i know she's hungry for real sex i just to wait till she was healed  its been in our anniversary i love calypso as my wife its how i love the way she moves around me after the set prep up and leave  now to the real thing we have concerns i made sure i am okay i dont want my wife will be concerned daddy slayer on the loose i wont leave her ever what ever Derek's evil twin brother there's a dark and sinister on it ever my wife had her eyes dead lock on me i know it something bother her i calm her down since she's claustrophobic its just i love her i dont want her to have another bypass i swam in the gym of her uncle mac we are more over to be buffed every week same meals we eat shark meat and roasted eels nothing special in atlantis just like in humans perhaps likely they dance with legs not like us we swam in the ocean more than a hundred years i know we have many kids to attend to till they grow up have a pod of their own i have to make sure i am fine as long not making Calypso upset she's a nice woman even have three husbands plus as i am  with her she needs me i know that its just her scent was so good when i am with her..  next day we do gym class next the recording studio then acting life was easy since still i am a king of Atlantis i love both surface and the ocean

"honey are you tired wanna massage your fins love you know your hot when your doing multitasking jobs as a sea king now here puffin meat soup i made it for you honey"

I smiled since we are at home in our bedroom eating what our people bring my wife cooks awesome food i just assist her around the kitchen feed the catfish and the dogfish shark that was swimming around with Louie was sparky i sat in the table with the soup she made was her pod's special family secret recipe its good that it made through her style still i like her anyway

Calypso's P.O.V

I am worried about Reis what if Bob kill him in front of me it wasnt nice at all its just well if he gets bored he want me to be with him in the surface with my ex boyfriend was my husband of the past years before we end up in the sea as merpeople so yup in summer he looks up to me

"projects cancelled out no meetings and no playoffs this means vacation on the surface come lets have our legs back dont you think its cooler than the ocean you cant walk in this place look we only swam in it with our tails babe"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now