Calypso Reis is missing

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Derek's P.O.V

I swam up to find daddy mate all i see is daughter mate my little sour fish is in bed but i dont see him i just came from the pool our daddy mate is gone i start to wake my daughter wife as i said "Calypso Reis is missing he must have a abducted he's not in Atlantis too"

"what oh holy Neptune's its real Reis where are you its uncle bob he's not in Atlantis to his lair he must be fish out of water or his hide out i know where he is cause i can scent every mate like you" she kissed me as she hugged me feeling my body "Daddy we have to go your erection its getting stiff we have eggs each even Reis he's fertlized Reis's eggs lets go daddy Derek"

I nodded as i carried her "cant you walk since you have legs you dont have a tail mama baby"

"we can do this daddy husband lets get our daddy mate safe before he drains his seeds uncle Alec lets go he took My Reis"

"we know so does Argos too wasnt at his room home i am getting worried at our pod Kyle is here you Kyle Arcanus lets get Reis back"

"well we will save him lets not loose time his gills must have suffered already and its absolute torture without water hes in merman form"

"great then we have legs he doesnt have it the necklace he cant run without the necklace i better look his necklace"

I search for my mate's necklace and i found where it was left in the floor and his large webbed toes matching mine he was taken i know the looks of the large fins and exactly like mine ocean water he must have turn his legs to a tail without his necklace he cant breathe we get in the car and i start it we feel their hot pain it triggers our thoughts "fuck he's torturing them they have been milked out the machine is sucking thier seeds sea world lets go before i am next too"

"same here he's luring all mermen dads away from mates having their eggs to fertilized it those poor mermen dads are slaves there i can sense it every villian loves abandoned laboratory or well lets go your right sea world and he's in facility number twenty three"

"okay i park the care many motorcycles are with us the guards are here lets bust daddy mate out we love Reis he's like a brother to me and a mate lets go men attack the fort save the dads being fertlized"

we go all beast mode "i am with you daddy husband lets go daddy Derek traps wait guys shit booby traps okay daddy lets do this lets melt the traps"

"i am heading in the control room we can deactivated it dad lets go we have to save my Buddy mate lets go we are bound to one another okay he's in a tank both are bound with milking suction cups making thier dicks in swelling mode"

I go and went every tank twenty three i used my sea god strength getting my mate free before it i let my daughter wife get him out i clawed the tubes connected to his dick as i gave their necklace i swam in their tank and break their chains "Reis baby wake up we are here shit i feel aroused i need Calypso"

"we are up thanks lets get out of here thanks daddy mate lets get out of here dad i gotta save Calypso she's fighting Beelzebub alone"

"she's not she's with Kyle and Arcanus lets save the mates lets go Argos you two will regenerate in Atlantis okay here we go jump out of the tank remembered dolphins jump so high?"

"yeah okay lets go on three okay everyone jump!" We swam up with our tails as we are out of the tank making sure Argos and Reis are fine my dad comes with us

"i am here where's that trouble maker i will handle that rouge merman Derek leave Beelzebub to me he's my son i have to get Calypso out of him there catch Kyle and Arcanus

" Heads up mermen coming through i got it i got them dad keep it up Calypso babe are you hurt did he brake you?"

"he bit me its highly toxic i must go back to the sea you cant have sex with me daddy husband cause i might infect the guppies just wait fuck its purple so toxic!"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now