Devil's advocate

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Dealing with a sea demon have a price to be its mate he killed glacia since she's not the meant for him now he wants me back now Reis and Argos trained forcefully Reis was eager to get me back and my pod of guppies from him

My dad was worried about the sea demon prince since he loves me so much a love sick sea demon prince.

"I know your life was in danger when he comes to get you that's why you have to break with Kyle he's more stronger now he reach your strongest abilities you muster"

I nodded at him we are back in the pool as Steve said "i will help the king even defeat this sea demon hundred times a week we do monster training a week sir Reis"

"i need to be stronger than Kyle compare to him i am just a fry to him i show him i am more of Chads mate and consort of his needs i promised make him happy i know you have dark secrets you never told me he's the father of your other children"

I sighed and nodded at him "we are young lovers once i know swear to me Reis i will grant you more power feel me hold my hand all of you my powers only protect and sheild you from he's punishment Reis i don't want you killed and i am prepared when he got back dad are you ready for this too?"

"yes if this saves you and Atlantis we will do it may Neptune's blessing gives us strength to overcome the sea beast he was now"

Each hold hands while Tony held my boys we are doing ritual as i gave them to their limits now unlimited power cant be defeated sea Titan's blessing and sea god are now in their own hands now Reis Kissed my lips

"i swear and train every week its for us my dear and our guppies i love you Chad i swear i wont give you to him ever again okay?"

"I promise be okay Reis now your power is struck him down thats our chance my love dealing with kyle have a price to make dear"

"I know my love i am ready for everything my dear Chad i will make sure he's back to his shell i do what ever it takes to get him rid out of our lives so how many weeks we have to prepare?"

"4-5 years its what he said and i know it wasnt a pleasant meeting on surface you know i am helpless as you are right?"

He nods at me he clenched his webbed hands "we will be stronger and prepared five years such a short time to prepare okay we do and spend the rest remaining years honey more better than he was i made sure of it really its time we have endless sparring since once our pod is complete we can take down a pod of sea demon knights my love"

i sighed and look on every parts of the wall in the castle the picture of my father the beard muscular longhaired daddy Derek i swam and touch him what i once with my father we have memories good once sincr my big sister big brother Rum my parents dad and mom we once played in the cove i was thirteen when i was caught up Reis was only nineteen he swam in and hugged me as we saw my dad's portrait

"he's handsome there with a fishtail alright oh there is your father he must have start with the meeting without us so dad how was it going good?"

"its fine they sort it out they closed the gaps that pirates enter the surface oh and anti Vincent security system and his minions of course so now there's no trouble at all my little sour fish you keep staring at my portrait and look at the other one it's you me and your mother thats your big brother Rum ones Alice other one was Candy your sister then Triton and Mort"

"I havent see them in ages eversince i was married right Reis love?"

He nodded at me till finally they swam in as i tapped my fins as Reis embraced me "be nice babe its your siblings still in your blood you have them"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now