Hello Sour fish

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I just turn on my laptop like i promised to turn on daddy so i did i waited long hours and he's awake "happy birthday my little sour fish have you enjoyed my well gift to you your first slave what do you think improving being obedient how are the girls?"

"all are good thanks daddy i wish you are here so your at home no work dear what was it i herd something whos that daddy?"

"wait some guy oh here Scott wanna see you hey Scott my sour fish wanna see your face say hello"

"hi uh nice i love daddy shirt that your father gave you well a supply of i love derek hale shirts even Reis wearing one hi guys so i haven't got a chance to meet all girls"

"you will when you get home too bad gramps daddy Peter wants you all there we are okay here daddy we have to talk some other time we have to work so are you daddy?"

"oh yes baby we are bye my little sour fish lets chat everyweek huh let me know what happened down there okay we love you Chad oh and well you play clam ball sweety i sign you up okay hit hard okay focus on the clam ball dear win okay?"

"yeah sure daddy gotta go Reis i am going to the clamball stadium daddy signed me up sincr his mvp glory days so wanna watch me babe no other mates besides me okay?"

"yes honey i will so i will bring the girls and our family swing hard thats what your dad say okay win this baby we are with you really we can swam out the window oh look uniform and well i am a actor see Reis Alexander Stark isn't great i work long hours for sour fish productions so break a fin arm dear?"

I smiled at him so we took shower my mom Lydia swimming in "your ready my dear Chadrick lets go well Stiles and Colin is taking care of the children now can't wait my baby first time he played clam ball like your father oh sea gods its been years since he played in a long time team well in a good team i want you to win okay Reis is always protected you okay he wont allowed any mermen will rape you in shower area okay promised me okay i will call your dad every week huh swing like daddy okay i know its a long time he played in neptune stadium okay?"

I nodded my mother as now i am prepared well what human baseball said batter up we have strong baseball bats that doesnt break mr Jonas who own the stadium and smiled at me i am on sharks team where dad was  now bunch of sharks fans cheered for me "better win this one his names Perry i am the team captain of mega sharks your father was once a team captain him self so you know how to swim in bases right your the hitter the big guys over the back will help you my queen we have high respects on you and the king so well lady Chad we are in great honor to be part of your team"

I nodded what dad said swing hard i will do my best i asked myself is it weekly or just a past time my husband Reis is now on teen fish that he will starting in i can't missed it he will be Derek hale role my dad always act that way i always teach him dad scowl all the time in his role thats what he was now i focused on hitting the clam ball i hit it so high it hit through the outside i swim around home base few scores on a homerun
Like daddy its for you dad  i won this time "you finally did it Chad nice hit well after few rounds look we are given five more we have to win since we lost without Derek now its your turn to help us okay we wont force you"

"its okay Perry i know dad was a MVP once i will made him proud did i swing too hard captain Perry?"

"well not too hard my lady Chad its okay you hit fantastic its like Derek's signature you live to that your famous really we promised never take pictures since your father knows what happened to a sea titan would go feral well no lights that will be great hows that"

"thanks you know my Father's a duke i wish he was a emperor and my mom was a emperess it would be fun if stiles up and daddy's here cheering me on this clam ball stadium and wait gramps is here daddy Peter!!"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now