He's coming for Reis

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Calypso's P.O.V

Fuck he's after Reis i know it i should have warn him he's not safe and he's outside of atlantis i swam where to find Reis in the royal meeting place my heart sank to feel my mate he swam forward its like having a bad dream

"He's coming after you Reis the daddy Slayer one who impaled me its him take him out of my head i beg you Reis"

"calm down your in a whirlpool of thoughts you have just have a nightmare he wont reach Atlantis ever again i put maximum securities all over atlantis you have my word not a scale of my tail will be scratched nor i was wearing any collar in your sleep have you?"

I nodded shaking at him he cuddles me in bed in his larger merman form "Calypso my beautiful sausage its alright my dear i won't have eggs with him scouts honor okay i am here you have just a bad dream plus your pregnant my tail made you secured okay hush now i dont want you upset oh its you daddy mate Calypso's have a bad dream again"

"oh i see prey that he wont come here and take our queen okay son?"

"yes sir Derek i am here mama its bad for a pregnant mermaid having nightmares again okay no more sea Dracula's your seeing in the movies okay it must be too much to eat salmon last night okay its alright i have fertilized you so he won't have eggs with you i am here now sleep mama we have just finsihed the set okay now think of a nice warm happy vacation that you can wiggle our fins into it right?"

I nodded at him as he hears my tummy with some guppy sounds in it he feels them with his webbed hands his tail touched mine as he stroked my hair i feel his beard around my neck my Reis

"it will be alright you have fainted in thr stadium honey your ill so i took you home swam in here to make sure your fine"

"am i really supper hot papa?" He nodded at me "yes very much babe its okay love everything will be okay i love you so i have to make sure our daddy mate is okay now oh here comes Kyle as how's your trip Kyle?"

"fantastic well i feel someone's following me all the way here it wasnt a dog shark its something more like a merman really it was fucking large i swam towards here Reis its bob and he gone jumbo again that's why keep swimming Calypso your ill and you have another guppy Reis you fucked our queen?"

"yes she's mine also and i have a right with her so your still heading for more errands right have you?"

"yes but now he's out there i have to risk myself in and out swimming him i send some sharks to kill that sea demon i can fight him but not that large when he's in his normal form i can take him on we are equally size Reis?"

"yes we are and i know it okay relax no one will hurt you uncle Alec made sure he wont harm any merpeople since i am a king here you must go up in the surface hurry up i can handle meetings while i am here i can't risk Calypso okay she has eggs and us mermen have it i want to make sure find any son's of mine in the shore they must have lost a fight between us and the Pacific merpeople known as sirens"

"they are fine its permanent daddy gramps and Argos are managed the surface i have nothing to bother but sure i can help alot leave the visiting to other kingdoms to me i made sure your public hearing will be in the new court its in your schedule"

"oh right but the play offs is in morning acting in the afternoon weekday's Calypso's recording music and well surface visits are every summer so well looks like we are stuck in the see buddy mate so daddy gramps mean it was he?"

"yes he's harsher that elder merman hes such a sour fish"

"that's Calypso's roots came from the mr sour fish himself okay now Calypso's asleep what's wrong babe do you want me holy Neptune's your waters broke Kyle blankets diapers ready we have another guppy coming out"

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