Peril in Atlantis

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Calypso's P.O.V

I cant resist of my mate's seeds so much we have sex in bed even we have duties to take care of "lust controls us dear mama your awake i thought your having a bad dream aren't you?"

I nodded at him as he caressed my long black hair with blue streaks he kissed me as our tails still latched together "i promised Bob wont escape in the government prison he caused so much mayhem inside the kingdom atleast more father mermen are saved atleast the pod rejoiced meeting their mates i made sure i won't get raped by that merman uncle of yours so still have trials in the court my dear?"

"no more just sea dragon issues nothing else oh dont stop Reis you got a large dick in my vagina oh please fertilized my eggs"

"relax thats what we do as husbands we protect the eggs from unknown intruders okay relax your eggs will be safe with me so its like humans huh still love this one feel my large dick filling your system more my queen?"

"yes my king papa fuck me harder oh yeah hmm i hate interruptions do you?"

He nodded with agreement he take off his shirt as he have fucked me harder "can i crack my webbed toes will you can you grant me legs?"

"After this sure then oh neptunes its so intense oh hows that we have legs since you hold my hands huh?"

He chuckles at me and he nodded we are both naked in bed still he thrusting inside me as he cracked his webbed feet

"Now the tail much better now i cant crack my webbed toes when i have fins in the ocean more cum babe so good are we passing out so good wasnt it my lovely sausage"

"oh my hunky ham of a merking fuck your queen so hard yeah thats right"

We realized and look at each other "the studio we have to go we are so late okay gentle pull okay there let my dick go babe"

"i am trying papa there how was it now?" He smiled at me "normal already so good its already done we have sex and usually lets do this we have so many children already"

"more to come love how about let massage your fins papa hows that?"

"sure babe but we are late we have rehearsals to do think of it okay about the sea dragons our sons can kill them all as long no problem at all okay relax a maximum prison can hold a very hostile prisoner anyway how long are you pregnant with our child its in your tummy again"

"eight months i wont swim this time i told sulley i am on a maternity leave look at it babe its round"

He sighed and nodded with me "alright i will stay with you mama thank you massaging my fins your the best mother mermaid queen ever what can i do without you Calypso my lovely sausage"

"well my hunky ham since i am pregnant papa you have to hunt food for me cause i have babies you can have my milk after you hunt sharks the big ones"

"sure shark steak coming right up human roll mama oh hi daddy mate how's things going travel from other kingdoms?"

"tiring Reis how is the highly impregnated mermaid my little sour fish daughter wifey how are you?"

"fine daddy husband Derek here i am having twins so about the sea dragon threat was it resolved?"

"yes along with senior guards as well its taking well off i have to rest with your mother since wait its still moving inside you?"

"yes its real papa feel my babies?" He put his webbed hand on my tummy as he chuckles "guppies ah the sweet sea angels you made me happy daughter wife still i am bound to you and your husband mate since my duties of a duke doesnt end we have many things to do while we have tail of a fish that is if we are humans we dont have magic and we dont live in the ocean but now since my price have a greater punishment i guess this is what we are just merfolk in hiding avoid contact with humans now your mated with a half merman and a highly pregnant mermaid queen where you are going Reis you have acting to do the little merman is not yet done"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now