unto the surface up we go

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Its safe and we are out finally our community is back on time again our relatives saw us in pools butlers scrambled their legs to give us all robes towels Reis carried me since i am pregnant with his child as long Daddy Argos with us and my dad Derek and my mom Lydia

"welcome back to the surface people well its been a long time we check the traps so its good we blocked around the cove are putting warning signs for danger we are not allowing anyone the cove its dangerous pirates are looking for empty paths getting here smashing the openings good thing we all fixed it before you guys finally show up"

Me and Reis smiled as he feels my tummy "i have more Reis i have to be in this pool now you can enjoy without me inside the mansion"

"i dont have legs without my wife i stay with you and wean the kids your labor will be uneasy i can feel it and worried about your both survival okay i cant go without you its the damn rules Chad i cant leave you we are both synchronized here"

"fine we both stay let them enjoy its not my fault i slow you down Reis forgive me"

"its okay babe i am here with you Midas and Clara make sure everyone is okay alright?"

"sure boss we can its just we hate to leave out the king and his mate in the pool even how urgent the queen's birth in here we can deliver food we swear okay you can trust us well lord Argos your coming up too and lord Derek Lady Lydia?"

"nope we stay since it will be critical for the kids since live birth can really hurt alot now we are focus on Chad since wow its really happening Derek what month today?"

"Eighth month one more they are out plus it will be seven children its all boys"

"great more men again thats nice we can prepare things fast labor is due we have to teach the boys soon out of the water keep them dry put salt in their legs it stabilize thier scales poking out the skin so Reis are you cooking huh?"

"yes i need Chad i cant walk without Chad mom"

"you can dear we can look after your wife Sebastian made sure the king's safe i dont want anything happened to my son in law"

"yes duchess Lydia it will be a honor okay my king this way i can aid you its alright the queen will stay in here she will be fine"

"very well Astrid Nigel you guys look after the rest of the people in the pool i want everyone safe Chad hang on there babe i will get you more meat to eat and your sensitive when your dried out okay keep being moist dear i love you okay?"

I smiled and Reis kissed me in the lips "it will be fine dear Rum is here i can trust my older brother okay Captain Reis watch out for well you know whos out there"

"i will babe don't worry everything will be okay how about barbecue dear a sausage party hows that dad you like it?"

"well its good but lord Peter will gave us human meat sushi in a wrap in here you know his meat pies made of human flesh?"

"we are merpeople its natural and i know how dirty it might be well atleast his slaughter house was hidden in the view thats where he feed trapping humans for their last meal after getting fatter so dont worry i will be back we have erm neighbors dropping by to crash the surface party hmm?"

"well okay since its safe what taking Midas and clara so long?"

"serving you meals of course here they are with a cart guys Midas check in the under the cart any pirates under it?"

"negative sir everything is okay and look i dont have shackles in my ankles ah its great to be back home its just its not my castle ever since i was in the ocean for years as payment for my idiocy my daughter now is a mermaid lord Peter have gave her a anti petrified statue now here's your meal guys as promised we don't go anywhere like i said i dont run away since i am a fish out of water i have to go back in it with my wife of course so any space left for us to swim in my grace?"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now