Calypso's beginning

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Calypso's P.O.V

I have to help my husband when about coaching wasnt easy job its just he growl at me when i slap him with my fins since he's stepping mine now we are okay my large ham is fine its just was it i have to wear glasses its making me can't see the volume in the library damn it i pour eye dropper in my eyes..

"its just my eyes are getting bad i see double Reis's i am okay i see two of you"

"Calypso your getting blind well here drink this medicine i have been there your not aging okay its just need a proper night light in this library there you go i can see it angler fish lights it was handy at all times your open our history book cause you cant see right?"

"yeah Reis i am scared i dont want to go in the twilights edge" he comfort me "you wont get blind i made sure you live forever its a right medicine babe you will be missed in the play offs okay i am there for you my lovely Calypso still i love you so your meeting kyle right i am sorry what i done against the warlord was now a sea demon as well"

"its okay you got random weeks few days i am with you but as for him i have to bond our kids you know that how selfish that you get that your treating my boyfriend a monster kay deals a deal and thank you i can see clearly" he held his webbed hands to mine i feel his large fins to mine

"Can you massage my fins babe like feet come on i cant crack fins when we are in atlantis"

"alright but here you dont need salt when placing in the feet babe really come on big guy your the coach i need bigger fishys like you in the tiger shark team daddy"

"fine fine lets go before boss morgan fire me" a he tease me i sighed.

"he wont do that he's a permanent team captain ever dont you know that oh shoot acting and recording i will made you secured Reis i swear to you will feel nice dont be nervous now you have strategies baby?"

He noded at me as he swam next to me the game starts "she's a beauty wait its chad and he's a mermaid he punches like his father i mean her look i have been player here for years of sicking loosing team now your a secret weapon good thing old liver is still alive girl?"

"yes Sonny hey your also a musician are you the famous Sonny blaze right the classical country music style"

"you know me even everyone loves you here we missed ya you know what we all miss legs since the great quake alright we are all cursed with gills webbed hands fin arms and a tail too"

"well Better live it that way have you see he sapphire funny looking gem its been missing in The Idol dont you?"

"its lost honey even all of us looking for that peice to have legs good thing your grandfather Peter gave us this necklaces it gives us our legs we can have transactions and your a beautician there right well painting webbed toes of customers right well thats surface here you cant paint any cause we have tails okay more rounds honey yo king Reis whats your strategic movements your the new coach now its great really your on our team right?"

"well seems you need one Well thanks to my wife Calypso i better assist her cause she cant see things properly"

"gave her glasses its corrected the eyes straight get out of the way Reis shit here's Bob guards the cloak dude was targeted the king i aint joking i am not hallocinating i saw him really"

Guards after Bob as more chase along with uncle Alec since he's a sea demon hunter its just protecting the king till unfamiliar beings and i think its Kyle's kids are now dragging me to the basement

"Thank you Talos and Dorin bring your mother to me hi babe well secreg as ever be is that husband of yours looking after you?"

"yeah we can bring him he's glaucus baby he knows where i am our kids ditch me in the middle of the play so what are you thinking Kyle you found it the sapphire its a key to become human again well we dont live in the sea anymore dont you think its cool right?"

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