sometimes it doesnt work out well

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Calypso's P.O.V

now beforehand Reis Kyle and Daddy Derek are still kings of Atlantis its three mates so instead of Reis and Kyle fighting off i suggested one must stay up for the whole year one must remain in atlantis so its balanced i made sure my three husbands wont see uncle Bob anymore i made sure the daddy slayer is gone for good i know he wants to get rid of three dad's in a royal pod are my three mates Kyle promise me he won't die i trust him even as best friends from the very start i skype him along with Reis since its important to know whats going in the surface we have transactions in it and Reis know it

"Butch made sure the human meats wont escape honey its locked up tight and well no weapons been found well they burn the clothes of fattened humans and well their life was in a ground meat machine so what you think our pod is. A cannibal we eat humans its what we are i cant have another human roll serving when your daddy grandfather made delicious meats ever so any shark steak to eat honey?"

"yes breakfast will be served same problems its him still wondering around testing the dome for weakness and his plan to kill you three off Atlantis to rape me and breeding with his guppies"

"I wont let that happen as long Kyle and i are buddies we have to look each other like you said he's a daddy slayer i wont die i swear to you babe i want to see our guppies grow up have pods of their own thats what we want for them having a future thats what we gave honey so how's the dance with your uncle Triton its been a longest time he show up so we have court duties this morning a public hearing so bare with me i know we both hate to hear this one okay"

"hopefully it's not one of my children i will kill you for that one Reis" as i snort at him as he chuckled at me "i dont really i swear if it was what punishment your taking my necklace so i cant walk to the surface part you know we have transactions there and komodos booming our restaurant was in demand for such events love come on i swear scouts honor not a problem child like Ariel have been okay relax maybe its your left fin arm and your grumpy"

He change subject all the time i love Reis what more can i ask for they have schedules different dates that i must have been then i smell it and it was Morgan it breaks my heart why is he in the clearing now?? Why the team captian have done now it made me mad so much i getting having white hairs because of it..

he was wearing prisoner's yellow shirt

He got into a fight with some bigshot and now i have to make sure he was cleaned he was blamed on something about debt..

"Press charges on morgan Hale guilty setting the human meats towards the barriers of the surface he sends the prisoners illegally out of the surface your highness which was against the law that what we are revealed to the human world"

"I did what is right a human girl wants to go home to her family why was it wrong to release them you know once was in but never come out i broke that i destroyed that barrier yes i help them but i have a price to make i know forgive me sissy i have do something bad"

"your cleard meetings cancelled i dont want to hear this Salem i profound my elder brother release charges the one who fight my brother should shouldered his sin i dont want my beloved big dude end up in jail you you will be sorry taking necklaces off your necks you wont have them permanently"

I turned cold when i am strict as my brother smiled at me "thank you it wont happened so am i bail out right its just the other coach i have a brawl then on the surface i help humans escape means its against our laws i know that one avoid being seened"

"Your a merman they will come to kill you if they have a chance i love you dont you understand how heart broken i am to see you in chains wearing prisoner uniform not a word Salem if you want your necklace around your neck there is no hearing i forbid to used this court ever i hate Neptune do this court right now"

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