my ocean home

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Sherwin's P.O.V

"Guys Sherwin's a merman lets shoot the captain before sharks eat him"

I know that humans can have two faces the demon and siren its inbetween this cocky bastard Jeffery cooper i Tossed hans Caper to the ocean well to please my real father i must offer a human being till i was shot and now i dragged he idiot down with me my real form appeared after my blood splattered the waters sharks are excited to eat me alive i swam as fast as i can yet blood loss was fast i was getting paler and now i reach on shore finally isla sireno my home place would my parents would see me like this my muscled ache all along my body and my world is blank...

I feel my body when i was in a coma i was dragged deep to the ocean thats where my real home was from Atlantis its deep humans cant survive it

My gills fapping normally my powers are super hot and lighting even i can make humans choke on water making them drown to the ocean as punishment i am 45 years old i never grow old i was once bald before now i got hairs longer to my shoulders

I woke up again "where am i and whats this place and i have a tail webbed hands and fin arms and i can breath why are you all people like me in the ocean i thought mermaids doesnt exisist?"

The king smiled i was sleeping in their bed "name's Reis i am king of atlantis welcome home prince Sherwin of Atlantis our long lost son i will show you around and your mother is late for clam ball i saw another merman was my birth mother the queen of the ocean lady Chad he hugged me and given me food i woke up in their bedroom their soft bed made me cozy yet i have to work as a prince i have many siblings here i was adopted by my human parents long time ago..

" we saw you in the beach well you know i know who you are your a Stark cause hale stark pods are really common here we love to leap waves and singing songs drowning sailors pirates and oh your father will tour you he gave you everything Trident the crown bracers and all well not the bracers that human placed to us now go with your father i can do what i can to play more games you like to watch me live i can tell Perry and sign you up there "

"i love calm ball i never have cuttle ball since ages maybe twilight years not living in atlantis whats this dad?"

"your necklace incase you see us both up we can be together as family dont worry everything will be fine i am afraid Kyle's loose hey lets go i will tour you around its my duty as king son so there thats us your the fifth kid in the picture see that we got you all except i dunno what happened to others you survived all along this years i bet now you have energy to swim in with your tail we never have legs in the ocean our ocean was cursed all humans turn in like us its permanent thats all now well lets see around Atlantis oh your bed was next to us oh Emmett Arthur Leon Candy Daniel and Chloe i like to meet Sherwin your long lost brother he's larger right?"

"totally dad so we can guide our brother wait Emmett he's much older than you your the second right?"

"Uh yeah i am the fifth anyway not shorty okay he's the eldest i am just next to him what feels like having legs on the surface and whats that scars?"

"he's shot bullet wounds actually we merfolks never die even being shot we rather escape to the ocean to recover you know that right?"

"yeah its 70'000 deeper and its natural food in here its good really Sherwin anyway we like to make you home as possible so dad will he handle our family business you know the restaurant in komodo"

"oh was it Japanese restaurant its full of fish food there is the kitchen great?"

"well we are telling you now we are all here our restaurant that our parents work oh yeah you have to right records and gave employers salary every end of the month dad will gave you quadruple allowance per week its scopes here you know like human dollars and your unclaimed dolphin credit card its unlimited oh here gym gold membership no expiration at all"

my Dad Derek's a mermanWhere stories live. Discover now