hunter being hunted

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We are all happy going to the mall where they place handicapped people in a elevator on which we are heading the food court my mom and the kids are there along with my uncles as they have them back they all wave in to us we waved back

"it will be fun the hunters being hunted down don't worry we will be home to Atlantis at night fall honey okay?" As Reis said to me while getting Tony some overlarge clothes fit for the little prince of Steve and Tony awe they are so cute when they cuddle i cant help looking at Reis's large webbed feet till tap water leaks out off the fountain dreached upon me my legs are now a tail as everyone of my pod saw it Reis run to me when the out of order fountain dreched me my tail appeared so embarrassing "dont worry my dear well some faults happened around glad your okay dear hey you look at what your fountain did to my wife wont you fixed that fountain leaks mr Donovan Elric?"

"i am sir dont worry our maintenance team will fix it oh sorry my queen we can give you clothes its free though no expenses man thats the enth week when other handicaps are wet like this i am so sorry my royalness so my king will be this the last week of your surface visit?"

"Hell yes now fixed the damn fountain i know my wife took pictures with it ever since we got here its okay Chad anyway lets go to the snorkels wear well its a attire for business when your having meetings with the queens can you tell your mother we have to be together in the meeting come on Chad?"

"Okay one second dear yeah mom its me my husband wants a meeting together with queens yes change of plans tell others as well our meetings as one per group so you think it was good too okay Reis your feet was so sexy even its webbed toes you have my king?"

"Oh Chad sure seems your staring at mine we can dry your tail dear there see its working your tail disappeared again Chad look at your legs"

I looked at my tail as it turns legs and webbed feet my husband hugged me hunters becomes the pray once they come here theres no way out its a trap island it contains us merfolks in it if it have wrong intentions well he will be sorry that he regret to be human again.. How ever my grandfather was a best trap human master ever yet i know he's busy setting up more so we can eat human meat now we are all went home with our kids others greeting us home

Other guards said to us "my Queen we ward Kyle's attacks against us and King Reis the kingdom was attack after your gone in few weeks we keep our bretherens on healing mode again sire we need your signal since well your command sir here he comes again!"

I see him alright i stopped him even he's strong yet my husband was my back up "your just healed Chad we can do this dear"

"watch out mike on six am its a partial attack since now some of them attacking this one daddy??!"

"don't worry we can handle this fall back my child let daddy hold him off we will help you and you can't defeat him alone"

more attackers as i was surrounded "no they are crowding my wife stay away from Chad!!" as Reis rammed bore large mermen i protect my husband from being cuffed i pinned down large mermen protecting my family till Samson came

"Better late than ever trouble is in the home he want the kingdom and his plan was rounding you guys binding you Reis Negan is fine he's in the infrimry now you guys still need our help dad we have trouble here send down the back up troupes"

as more coming as all help in defending the kingdom as now Kyle was focused on me i saw Captain Almond was back

"You and i have unfinished business let go of the queen your mine Kyle"

"not anymore love my former name was Collin mate have you forgotten Kyle was just the name of the demon help me cleanse my body i have been a host of that evil demon Almond Save me"

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