Chapter 1

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Amelia Mohn. 20 years old. Graduated last year from Nissen School with her friends. She hasn't talked to them in a long time. A lot has changed since the end of her first year. More than you would expect.

Amelia stood and walked around her house. It wasn't hers really, well, it didn't used to be, now it was. It was quiet now, the wee hours of the night. She went to the balcony sliding door and walked out into the night. Looking out at Oslo. So many things happened on that very balcony, more than she wanted to remember.

She felt herself freezing as she raised her drink to her mouth. It was her fourth one. Tonight was a hard night for her. A night she had implanted in her head for just about 2 years. The night Chris left her, and she wanted him to go.

"God." Amelia looks up at the sky as she takes yet another sip. Her life had pretty much gone down hill from there. And Chris and Amelia's relationship wasn't happy for long. Things happened, hearts were broken, betrayal made Amelia loose a lot of friends, and left Amelia with something she felt bad to call a burden, because she loved it so much, but it was gone and her heart ached. Amelia couldn't help but look back on the happy times with her and Chris, the times when she felt complete and whole. Not broken.

"Chris!" Amelia laughs pushing him off of her.

"Come here." He growls playfully pulling her closer, sliding her across the bed to him. She laughs all the way.

"Mine." He smiles and kisses up her neck playfully as she laughs.

"Come on! I have to get to school." Amelia says. "I only have a year and a half left." She sighs. Chris lays right down next to her.

"I know." He sighs. "I'm just glad I have you." Chris smiles and Amelia smiles too. This was a rare, happy day for them.

"I love you." Amelia says. 

"I love you." Chris kisses her.

Amelia laughs at the memory. Knowing that it wouldn't happen again. Everything seemed to happen so fast. The odd behavior, the meetings, the cheating, the finding out, the fights, and then complete and total isolation. Amelia was alone.

"You know what Chris, I hope you're happy with her. I hope she's happy too. Because I loved you both." Amelia laughs in pity of herself, raising a glass to the sky and downing the rest of her drink.

She couldn't believe this was what her life had come to. Standing alone on a balcony reminiscing about a relationship that was dead. He had moved on, why couldn't she? She felt her life had no purpose, and she was still so young. She wondered about jumping. Who would stop her? Who would care? She didn't think anyone would. To the world she was just dead weight, and that's all she would ever be.

She walked into the only room in the house that she felt okay to cry in. The nursery.

You see, about 2 years ago, Amelia found out she was with child. The child was born but prematurely. The child died 2 days later. Amelia was grief stricken for years, still is. "Oh Lise." Amelia cries her baby's name over the crib that she vowed to never take down, no matter how unhealthy it was. "Why am I still here? Can't I be with you?" Amelia says tears falling down her face.

Amelia wanted nothing more than to not exist then. She wanted her baby, she wanted the love of her life, and she wanted her friends. And she had none of those.

And that baby, happened to be Chis Schistads, only he had no idea it ever existed.

Guys. I said it would be bad. And it is. Welcome to book 2 of the Chris & Amelia series!

Haha! So everything's gone to shit! And Amelia had Chris's child that has died and he has no idea about it! You'll be finding out more about how everything happened as the story goes along.

Who do you think Chris is with now?
How do you think it all ended?
Why do you think Chris doesn't know about the child and it's passing?

All will be answered in this book and hey, I warned ya, it's not gonna be pretty.

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