Chapter 27

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"We're here." Eva drops her purse on the kitchen counter and waits for Amelia to appear. She comes around the corner moments later.

Amelia Mohn looked back. Her hair was ragged, her eyes bloodshot with bags under them, and her skin was sallow. She walks slowly into the room.

"Just like I remember." Amelia says quietly to no one in particular. Eva stares at her for a long time. The look in her eyes is best described as pity but there's something else in there too, deeper in her eyes there's a look of guilt. A small shred of just plain guilt.

When the staring stops Eva clears her throat, "um, your room is the same room you had. I moved things a bit though, when you left." Amelia just nods still staring into space. Slowly she wanders towards the staircase and looks back at Eva.

"Can you grab my things from the car?" She says clearly and confidently. Eva is taken aback by the sudden change of demeanor but nods and heads out the door. Amelia watches the door close behind Eva and then looks back at the stairs. She remembers so much in this house. Back in high school, her and Chris.

"Chris I'm gonna fall!" Amelia says running up the stairs.

"I'll catch you!" Chris says continuing to chase her.

Amelia's hand traces the bannister and she takes a deep breath, moving one foot onto the step. She walks up slowly, like every step hurts.

"Chris!" Amelia laughs at the top of the steps when Chris reached her, throwing her over his shoulder.

"Mine." He says spinning in circles making her laugh.

"You two are so annoying! Just go fuck already!" Eva yells from downstairs and Amelia's face goes red.

Amelia reaches the top of the stairs and looks around. She feels the embarrassment rise in her cheeks as if it were happening right now. Then, she walks into her room.

"Rawr!" Chris throws Amelia on the bed and she sits up quickly, her messy bun flopping in her face.

"You could have hurt me!" Amelia glares at him playfully.

"I wouldn't hurt you..." Chris climbs on top of her. "..unless you asked.." he says kissing her smirking lips. She giggles and pushes him off her.

"Oh schistad you are one kinky shit aren't you." She teases him poking his chest.

"Am not".

"Uh yeah."

"Who called me d-"

"Not important." Amelia smirks and turns her body so it's facing him. "Kiss me."

Chris smiles and leans in making their lips touch.

Amelia stands in the bedroom looking at the bed and she can see it all happening. She sees the smile on her face and sees Chris and she feels everything she felt that day years ago. It's real to her because it was real once. She wants more than anything for it to be real again.


"Hey." Chris pokes Amelia's nose making it scrunch up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Amelia smiles and turns her head sideways as much as she can already laying sideways.

"Like what?" Chris says still looking at her like that.

"Like, that. Like you are now." She says looking into his eyes with curiosity.

"Do you think this is forever?" Chris asks. Amelia is taken aback by the sudden change of subject.

"Well, Chris were still in high school-"

"Amelia." Chris looks at her this time, and Amelia understands.

"You're afraid you'll lose me." She says sadly.

"I don't know what it is." Chris admits. "I just feel like this should be forever. That we should be together in the end and I want to die with you Amelia that's how much I love you."

"Hey Chris," Amelia looks at him with pity and love. "I love you too. And no matter if this is forever or not. I will always love you. No matter what I say one day, it'll always be true. And you'll never lose me." Amelia smiles touching his cheek.

Chris smiles at Amelia wide. "Never?" Amelia giggles and bites her lip.

"I swear on my life Christoffer Schistad," Amelia kisses his lips briefly. "You won't lose me."

"But I'll lose you."

Amelia stands in the same spot in the bedroom looking at the bed. She's clutching her chest and has a single tear down her face.

"Amelia?" She jumps at her name and turns to see Eva looking concerned with all her bags. "Are you okay?" Eva takes a step closer but Amelia backs away wiping the tear from her face.

"I'm fine." She says.

"Okay." Eva says clearly not believing her but not pushing it. "Let me know if you need anything. I mean anything." She touches her shoulder and leaves, setting the bags on the floor next to the bed. And that was it. Amelia Mohn was home.

And she was completely alone.

So yes kinda a depressing chapter. While Chris is dead you will 100% still be seeing him pop up in Amelia grieving process.

I hope y'all liked the chapter! What do you guys feel about skam ending? I'm so upset like it's such a good show and he American version will just never add up.

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