Chapter 6

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Amelia Mohn worked at a bar. A bar close to her house making drinks as a bartender. She was the manager and was close to owning it because the owner liked it. As she cleaned up for the night she sighed. Last night had been hell, complete and utter hell.

She had seen Chris again for the first time in a year and a half. It was awful to say the least. They hadn't said a word but every emotion, every moment, everything all came back at once and Amelia realized she still loved Chris. She would always love him and she never fell out of love for him. She wanted him more than anything. And yet, she couldn't have him.

She sighed and continued wiping down the table. She hated closing, but she took one for the team tonight and closed. All was peaceful until someone walked through the door.

"Were closed." Amelia says not looking up from scrubbing the counter.

"I was just hoping I could have one drink." Amelia quickly looks up at the voice. Chris stood in front of her. He looked tired and sat down on a stool. Amelia sighs, emotionally drained.

"I could use one too right now." She laughs with a hint of anger in it. She grabs a bottle of bourbon and pours some for Chris and a glass for herself. She wasn't a bourbon girl, but at the moment she needed it. Chris took a sip and looked her over.

"You look good." He says and Amelia laughs rolling her eyes.

"What are you doing here Chris?" She asks as she downs her glass and fills it again, wanting this moment to end.

"I would ask you the same thing about last night?" He has an accusing tone in his voice which angers Amelia.

"You know what Chris, I clearly went to see you and Eva, because you guys are obviously my favorite people." Amelia voice is as icy as her stare. "I went to have a good time, instead I was bombarded."

"I bumped into you."

"And made every memory come back." Amelia says and Chris looks down at his drink, finishing it off. He doesn't know what to say.

"How are you Eva? Happy?" Amelia says in a childish tone. Chris chuckles.

"Always the same Ame." He rubs his face.

"Don't call me that." Amelia continues to wipe the counters down, wanting to get away from the conversation. She moves to the tables hoping to get away but he follows.

"Were happy, she's happy, I'm happy. Is that okay?" He asks and Amelia turns to him.

"No." she says honestly. "It's not okay." She laughs in pity. "Because I'm not. I wasn't. And I never will be." She whispers but loud enough where Chris could hear.

"Amelia you, you have to move on." Chris begs. Amelia scoffs.

"Oh like you have?" She says pointing at him. "Who's your cousin?" Chris throws his arms up in defeat.

"That's it. I can't do this Amelia what happened is in the past, you need to move on. Especially if you're going to be around now." Chris says and Amelia runs up on him, inches apart from his face.

"Around now?" She says and Chris begins to cower back. "You have no idea what I've been through, and so next time you say I haven't been around, think about the fact that maybe, you are exactly the reason why." She says angrily pushing him away from her.

"I'm sorry." Chris says quietly.

"A year and half too late." She scoffs and clears off her last table. She goes to go back behind the bar but Chris's hand stops her.

"Amelia please, move on." He pleads.

"Why? Why is it so important to you that I move on!? You're happy! Great! Leave me alone!" She yells. Then she remembers his face last night. "Unless you haven't really moved on..." she trails off and Chris gulps.

"I'm with Eva." He says.

"But seeing me. Seeing me again I wasn't the only one affected was I?" She says getting slightly excited. Then her face falls. She couldn't be with him, no matter how much she wanted it.

"I don't have any feelings for you." Chris scoffs. Amelia pulls him close to her and their noses touch.

"Then why is your heart beating so fast." She whispers. All of a sudden Chris lifts her up onto the bar and stands between her legs. Amelia gasps. "Even you can't deny, what you feel." Amelia sighs.

"I..." Chris is breathless staring at her. He couldn't help it, she was captivating. And as much as he wouldn't admit, seeing her again, made him realize all sorts of things.

"But you can't have me." Amelia words shock Chris. He looks her in the eyes with a confused look. "You had your chance." She says and gets off the counter going to the door and opening it for him.

"I guess it's time for you to move on."

Sassy Amelia is back! Yay I love writing her with her boss ass bitch personality.

I love the way the handled Chris and that she admits she feels something again but won't let him in easily, maybe ever....ooooo ominous

Sorry love you guys 😂

I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow with my friend so may not be updating! Sorry!

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