Chapter 31

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It's been nine months. Nine months since Chris passed. It wasn't any easier to deal with, but it was easier to fake or pretend it didn't happen. People thought she was fine, Amelia wasn't a moping mess like she used to be. And that was mostly because after work each day she would go see a therapist.

"Hi Amelia." She stands and shakes her hand. Dr. McCarthy was a renowned doctor all over the world. She was doing a few years in Norway and so Amelia sought her out.

"Hi Dr. McCarthy." Amelia sits and takes off her bag.

"Anything in particular you'd like to talk about today or would you like me to start?" She asks getting her file out.

"I feel fine." Amelia says ominously.

"What do you mean?"

"It's easier to not, like, think about it." Amelia bites her lip. Dr. McCarthy sits back in her seat.

"That is normal. Over time it's not always on your mind 24/7." She nods.

"But isn't that wrong?" Amelia asks suddenly. "Shouldn't I be thinking of him all the time?"

Dr. McCarthy doesn't speak for a second. "Do you want to think of him all the time?"

"I did when he was alive." Amelia says like she's guilty.

"Amelia, just because he's not on your mind all the time does not mean you don't love him or didn't love him. This is a stage of grief, you're starting to except it. There's nothing you can do and you know that. Having it on your mind doesn't change how you feel about it. It's horribly sad and awful what happened, that doesn't mean you should feel horribly sad all the time." Amelia nods slowly. She was right, she didn't have to be sad all the time.

"Thank you." Amelia nods.

After the session Amelia heads to work. The bar opened at 5 and she got there right on time.

"Little late boss?" Katherine, Amelia's friend and employee asks.

"Had a session." Amelia says setting her bag down in the back and Katherine nods knowing what that meant.

"I can work the main bar tonight if you'd like." She offers. Amelia only smiles.

"No that's okay. I got this." Katherine nods and smiles, grabbing a towel and throwing it over her shoulder. She leaves the back room and heads to the secondary bar. Amelia walks out front to the main one.

"I'll have a rum and coke." Someone sits down and orders. The night goes pretty much like that. Random people drinking random drinks having random conversations.

"I'll have a beer and your number." Amelia's head shoots up at whoever was talking to her. A young guy, probably like 24 or 25 is looking at her. He has brown eyes and brown hair, a great jawline and is actually very attractive. Only his words weren't very impressive.

"Excuse me?" Amelia puts a hand on her hip.

"Your number?" He smiles and Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Here's the beer." She hands it to him. "Please go."

"But your-"

"Listen I've had a day so please could you stop with your player charm and walk away for today?" He stands there mouth hung open. "Fine I'll go." Amelia takes the drink she was working on and begins to walk to the other end of the bar.

"Wait! I'm sorry!" The guy runs after Amelia. She stops in pity of him and looks at him expectantly. "That's not me back there, well maybe it was once but not anymore. My friends," he points at a group of guys watching Amelia and his every move. "Told me I didn't have my game anymore. I wanted to prove them wrong I'm sorry." He says desperately.

Amelia click her tongue, "Whats your name desperate man." He chuckles before answering.


"Well Erik I'm Amelia and while you won't be getting my number I do pity you enough to give you another beer on the house." Amelia reaches down and grabs one, handing it to Erik.

"Thank you, you're kind." That was something Amelia had never heard. She was a lot of things to people but people didn't necessarily call her kind.

"Thank you?" Amelia says like a question causing Erik to laugh.

"It was a compliment." Erik smiles. "I would've told you how beautiful you are but I thought I was already off your radar." Amelia smirks.

"Well played. Slipping in the beautiful comment." Amelia laughs and Erik sticks up his hands like he's surrendering.

"What can I say?"

"Guess you do have game." Amelia nods.

"So do you own this place?" He asks just as Amelia's about to walk away. She rolls her eyes smiling and turns back around.

"Yeah I do."

"My friend owns a bar near here, maybe you've heard of him, Tom York, American like yourself." Erik says.

"Yeah he owns the one five blocks down right?" Amelia asks.

"Yeah that's him! I have to say that you're bar is run way better." He nods.

"Thank you." Amelia says taking pride in her work.

"And the service is incredible." Erik says looking right into Amelias eyes. Amelia feels a blush creep up onto her cheeks and she turns away momentarily.

"Smooth dude." Amelia nods turning back around.

"Smooth enough for your number?" Erik asks smirking. Amelia rolls her eyes. Part of her did want to give it to him. But Chris loomed in her head at the moment, so she shook her head.

"As much as I'd love to give you my number, No." Amelia smiles and walks away.

"How will I know where to get ahold of you?" Erik yells across the bar.

"If were meant to meet again we will!" Amelia yells back and goes into the back room.

Amelia shakes her head and grabs her purse. "I'm off Katherine, work main bar." Amelia nods at her.

"Okay." Kathrine smiles. Amelia walks out the back door and gets into her car. She can't help but think of Erik as she leaves, she laughs to herself, in a way, he reminded her of Chris, the Chris was going to marry. Her Chris.

Yayyyyy new chapter!

I love you guys so so much! Next chapter will Be the last chapter :( and there will not be a third book ah.

I have two books ready to start publishing when I'm done with this and another I'm in works with :) I hope you enjoyed the series and stick around for some originals by me :)

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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