Chaper 3

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Amelia tapped on the top of her coffee as she waited for Sana to show. It was 10:58 and she was nervous to say the least. It had been years since they had talked.

Low and behold, Sana walks into the café. Amelia sucks in a sharp breath as she nears the table and sits down.

"Hai." Amelia says. Sana looks up at her, the same cold stare she knew.

"Hai." She says settling and grabbing the coffee that Amelia had gotten her.

"Vanilla latte, I remembered." Amelia says laughing but soon stops when she sees Sana's stare.

"What do you want?" Sana asks after several sips and a long awkward silence.

"I don't know." Amelia says truthfully.

"Oh bullshit. The Amelia I know knows what she wants." Sana scoffs and takes another sip.

"That's the thing Sana, I'm not the Amelia you knew, and as much as I'd like her back, I don't think I can get her." Amelia says truthfully and sadly. Sana gives Amelia a concerned look.

"You really have changed..." Sana says studying the girl. "Your hair, your clothes, you look dead." Sana says truthfully. "You just told me the complete open truth without any prying, what happened to you?" Sana asks really interested.

Amelia's eyes begin to well with tears and Sana reaches out and grabs her hand which only makes her cry harder. "I'm a mess." She says wiping away the tears. "After Chris left, and I left you all, I found something out." Amelia says slowly, wondering if she should really tell Sana. She had nothing to lose. "I was pregnant."

Sana let's go of Amelia's hand and looks at her in shock. "What? Chris's baby?" She asks and Amelia nods. "But Eva and Chris-"

"Please." Amelia says and Sana closes her mouth, knowing it would only pain the girl to continue. "They don't have to worry about that. Because the baby was born but she died two days later." Sana gasps.

"Amelia, I'm so sorry." Sana bows her head.

"She was born prematurely. I knew she wouldn't have much of a chance." Amelia tries to laugh it off but it pains her. Sana reaches out and grabs her hand again.

"No one should have to go through the loss of a child." Sana looks Amelia deep in the eyes. "I'm sorry." She goes back to her original position.

"I'm sorry too." Amelia wipes away the last of her tears. "For everything. God I was such a bitch. I was falling apart and I didn't mean to hurt you guys in the process." Amelia apologizes. Sana nods.

"I know that. We all know that. We all miss you." Sana says which earns a small smile from Amelia. "But we miss you. The you you were. The strong, confident, boss ass bitch we all knew and loved." Sana laughs making Amelia laugh too. "What you said to all of us was unkind and immature, but my religion that i hide behind," Sana gives Amelia look who shifts uncomfortably. "Tells me to forgive everyone, especially those who we love and care for." Sana smiles and Amelia does too.

"Thank you." Amelia says quietly looking at the ground. She didn't know what to do.

"And if you want the other girls to forgive you, you should come with me." Sana stands grabbing her coffee. "Eva won't be there, I promise." Amelia nods and follows Sana.

"Eva!" Amelia yelled beckoning her cousin over. They hug and sit at the table top with their coffee.

"So how are you? I feel like I don't see you anymore, Chris does." Amelia says jokingly but Eva goes stiff.

"I'm good really, second year is fun." She says.

"Oh yeah but hard, I'm glad I have Chris to help me stay sane." Amelia laughs and Eva returns the laugh but it's awkward and forced. "So anyone special in your life?" Amelia sips her coffee.

"U-uh, no." Eva say and Amelia laughs.

"Well that's a lie." Amelia says. Eva sighs.

"Okay, there's someone I've been hooking up with a lot." Eva begins. "He's A bad person and a total fuckboy and he even has a girlfriend bu-"

"Woah woah, he has a girlfriend and you know it?" Amelia stops her.

"Yeah." Eva says quietly.

"Eva that's messed up. I would only do that to get revenge, but even I wouldn't hook up with someone's boyfriend if I knew." Amelia stares at her cousin quizzically. Eva wasn't like this. "How much do you like this guy?" Amelia raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know!" Eva exclaims. Amelia laughs at her cousin.

"The way you're acting I'd say your falling in love with him." Amelia looks seriously at her cousin. Eva goes sheepish and Amelia has her answer. "Eva if he has a girlfriend and you are falling in love, then you need to be careful. Talk to him, see how he feels too, and if he is too he'll leave his girlfriend."

Amelia freezes in the coffee shop. Thinking of her words to Eva and how exactly what she said had happened. Eva and Chris, been together a year and half officially, two of you count when they were cheating on Amelia.

Amelia goes back into reality and follows Sana. "I brought them all, I didn't know what would happen today but I needed to be prepared if we decided you were worth saving." Sana sighs and Amelia throws her arms around her and Sana returns to surprise hug.

"They are in the park over there, come on." Sana grabs Amelia's hand and begins to walk her over.

Amelia was nervous. These were her friends that she turned on, went crazy on. She didn't deserve them anymore. She just hoped her story, could salvage whatever sliver of friendship they still had.

Morning guys! Thanks for all the support! So yeah Eva and Chris haha my otp from the show are ruining my otp from here.

It's really fucked up because Eva's her best friend AND cousin. That's kinda why I did it.

Anyways thank you thank you thank you!

Check out my ChrisEva fan fic as well!

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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