Chapter 20

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"Hollywood sign today?" Chris asks holding Amelia's hand as they walk down Hollywood boulevard.

"No no we're going to see a show at pantages." Amelia says swinging their interlocked hands over dramatically.

"We have theatre in Norway." Chris rolls his eyes.

"Yeah but do you have broadway touring theatre?" Amelia says. Chris is about to answer but Amelia pulls him along.

"I got us tickets." She smiles.

"Come on Amelia, I know you too well we're not here for a show." Chris says as hey walk towards the theatre.

"What would make you say that?" She smirks. She says as she takes him in the direction away from the pantages.

"Were not going to a theatre are we?" Chris raises his eyebrows. Amelia laughs and smirks.

"You really think I'm gonna spend a much of money for a two hour show when I can get us into something much, much cooler?" She raises her eyebrow at him playfully. Rolling his eyes Chris let's Amelia continue to drag him.

"Where are we actually going?" Chris asks.

"Well you know that I used to live here." Chris nods at Amelia's words. "Did you really think I had no friends?" She cocks her head to the side and fakes hurt.

"So a friends place." Chris nods not exactly ecstatic about going to meet whoever Amelia was friends with when she was fifteen.

"Yeah." Amelia says a huge smirk on her face. Chris sighs and let's her pull him along.

"Why are we walking?" He complains after they had been for twenty minutes.

"I didn't want to pay for an uber and then you get to see the city as we walk." Amelia shrugs.

Chris takes a good look around him. They were in much more upscale neighborhood that before. Homes lasted what seemed to be blocks and had large gates and shrubbery guarding them.


"Hm?" Amelia turns to him sweetly.

"Where are we?" Chris asks skeptically, narrowing his eyes at her.

Amelia suddenly stops in front of one of the houses and inputs a passcode into the gate. A buzzer rang and a voice came on the intercom.

"Amelia?" The staticky voice asked.

"That would be me." Amelia pushes the button and speaks into it.

The buzzer for the gate rings again and this time louder. The gate opens slowly and Amelia starts walking towards the house. Chris is stunned to silence and is frozen in his spot.

"Come on silly." Amelia turns and grabs his arm rolling her eyes that she had to go back to get him. They walk up the long driveway to see a huge mansion as the gate closed behind them.

"Friends house?" Chris asks eyes wide.

"You'll see." Amelia smiles and clicks her heels together once. She continues walking to the door but without Chris why her side.

Chris lingers behind taking it all in. The whole property from the huge fountain in the center to the grand house itself that was relatively small windows. It looked luxurious and modern.

The door swings open and Chris hears a squeal. His head snaps to the front of the house as he sees Amelia being swung around in a big hug by someone. He walks over and sees none other than Justin Bieber.

"You're kidding me." Chris is speechless. Justin puts Amelia down and Chris and him shake hands and have a bro hug.

"So you're Chris. Glad she's in good hands now." Justin smiled and Amelia winks at him.

"Justin Bieber." Amelia nods. "You're friend is Justin Bieber." Chris says in disbelief.

"Hey I'm just a guy. With millions of fans and a singing career." Justin laughs. "Come in come in!" Justin says and disappears into the house.

"Justin Bieber." Chris says still wide eyed and dazed.

"I know honey." Amelia grabs his arm and leads him inside the house. She pats his head lightly as if to wake him up.

"Well I'm sorry to do this Chris but Amelia a deal is a deal." Justin hugs Amelia and then shakes Chris's hand. "I'll be out of your hair."

"You're leaving?" Chris asks slightly sad.

"Yeah deal with Amelia." Justin nods and heads for the door. "Amelia." He says turning back. "Just not my room okay?" He says laughing. Amelia laughs and nods.

"Bye Justin!" She waves as he leaves. They hear his car start up the gate open. He's gone.

"Okay you need to tell me what's going on." Chris says finally regaining consciousness of himself.

"Come here baby." Amelia laughs patting the spot by her on the couch. Chris sits next to her on the couch and gasps. "What?"

"It's so soft." Chris says in awe and Amelia rolls her eyes at her boyfriend.

"I know how much you love Justin Bieber." Amelia says. Chris nods. "So I thought why not let you meet him and then we get to hang out in his house." Amelia smiles.

"Okay it's been great so far." Chris laughs smiling. "But why make Justin leave?" Chris asks confused.

"Because..." Amelia scoots closer to Chris. "What would be cooler than saying you had sex in Justin's bed?" Amelia crawls on top of Chris so she's straddling him. "Doesn't that sound nice?" She smiles wrapping her arms around him.

"Hell yeah it does." Chris says grabbing Amelia's waist. "Didn't he say not his bed?" Chris says breaking the moment.

"Mhm..." Amelia smirks lowering her face to meet Chris's. The two begin to kiss and soon have changed positions. Chris now lies on top of Amelia on the couch.

"Upstairs?" Chris asks breaking away from their make out session.

"Hell yeah." Amelia says and Chris gets up reaching an arm down to pull up Amelia like you would pull a teammate off the ground during a game. Once she was up they high fives and raced up the stairs. Amelia and Chris jumped right into Justin's bed and went right back to what they were doing.

Chris begin trailing kisses down her neck and Amelia moans. "God I missed this."

"Me too baby." Chris smiles against her skin. He takes off his shirt and Amelia gets a good look at him. After all these years he was still so fit. Soon she herself is topless and the two are going at it.

"Chris?" Amelia moans in a questioning tone.

"Mm?" He says looking down at her. He looked kind of concerned. He had been the one on top most of the time. The dominant one. He was kind of enjoying himself. He didn't know why she stopped him. Amelia just smirks.

"You really think after all this time that you're gonna be the one in charge here?"

Ayeeee I love dominant confident Amelia yes!

So I'm going to San Fran for a choir trip till Sunday but I'll try to update those days. Head my word choice: try. As in try my best

Anyways I hope you guys like the story!

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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