Chapter 23

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"Chris where are we going?" Amelia whines as she tries to peak through her blindfold.

"Ah ah ah. No peaking." Chris says making the material go over her eyes once again, leaving her blind. He kept his eyes on the road but ever so slightly he looked over at Amelia to make sure she wasn't peaking again.

"We're here." Chris says and Amelia can hear the excitement in his voice.

"You're being a dork." Amelia says as he gets out of the car and goes around to the other side to help her out.

"Come on." He says helping her out of the car.

"Chris I'm going to fall." Amelia says as she trips on a crack in what she assumes is the sunset.

"Okay you take your blindfold off." Chris says and Amelia gladly does so. She gasps as she sees what's in front of her. She was glad she dressed nice. In front of her was a beautiful fancy restaurant on the shore of the beach.

"Oh Chris you didn't have to-"

"I did." He says holding his arm in a position for Amelia to take it. She wraps her arm through his and they walk to the desk to be seated. Chris had gotten them a table in a private room with the greatest view of the waves crashing on the shore.

"Chris this is amazing." Amelia gushes as they're handed menus. "Thank you." She says earnestly grabbing his hand from across the table and squeezing it.

"Anything for you." He says and Amelia rolls her eyes.

"How cheesy are you gonna be tonight?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Just enough to make you smile." He says and a waiter comes over to get their drink orders. When they leave Chris bites his lip nervously.

"What's wrong?" Amelia asks taking her eyes away from the menu.

"Nothing." Chris smiles reassuringly. "You just look so beautiful tonight." Amelia blushes at his words. She was wearing a royal blue mini dress that had a sweetheart neckline on top and a beautiful flowy skirt on the bottom.

"Thank you." She says as the drinks arrive. Chris is nervously fidgeting.

"Chris really are you okay?" She asks.

"Fine fine." He says but Amelia knows he's lying.

"Chris tell me." Amelia says in a serious tone really wanting to know what was bothering him.

"I can't hold it in anymore." Chris sighs laughing at himself. He pulls something out of his pocket and places it on the table in front of them.

Amelia heart races. Was he serious? Not only about the gesture but the way he was doing it? Wasn't it supposed to be heartfelt and on one knee?

"Open it." He says and Amelia furrows her eyebrow. He couldn't be proposing like this right? She opens the little black box and gasps at what's inside. It's a little silver band with a pearl dead center with little diamond on the sides of it.

"Oh my god..." Amelia feels tears in her eyes. She didn't even care about how he was doing it now.

"Amelia don't worry it's a promise ring." Chris laughs at her reaction. Amelia goes wide eyed and looks at him. She then bursts into laughter at her worry about marrying him right now. "I want to promise to be with you forever. Even if we're not ready for marriage today, I promise one day I will marry you Amelia Mohn." Chris says taking the ring from the box and placing it on her finger.

Broken and gone// Chris Schistad (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now