Chapter 25

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Nothing. There was just nothing. At least that was Amelia Mohns mind as she slept for days in the hospital. She saw nothing. Just black darkness. Not a dream or a light. Just empty blank space. And then, she woke up.

Looking around the room Amelia slowly sat up only to groan and sit back down. Her vision was still adjusting to the lights around her. Last she saw was dark.

"She's awake!" A loud cry is heard. All of a sudden Amelia is surrounded by familiar faces. Everyone was there. Sana, Noora, Chris, Vilde, Isak, Magnus, Even, and even Eva. They surrounded and crowded her completely.

"Guys..." Amelia groans overwhelmed by it all. It seemed as though the reason she was there was lost in her sleep. She didn't seem distressed at all. "What are you doing here?" She sighs finally feeling more awake.

"We came as soon as we heard. Took the next flight out here." Sana says.

"They called me." Eva steps forward. Amelia furrows her brow confused but Eva tells her. "I'm one of your only living relatives. I was the second one they called." She shrugged. Amelia nods slowly. Suddenly she's engulfed in a huge hug from two boys.

"Isak, Even, I'm not dying here." Amelia laughs lightly and everyone's face turns stone cold.

Memories start to flood back into Amelia's head. The night, the promise, Chris leaving, the crash, and now her, here, alone. Not exactly alone but she felt alone. Her body went cold and her face dropped. Tears formed in her eyes once more and she quietly cried, not wanting to make a huge scene. She had done that last night, or so she thought.

"How long have I been out?" Amelia sniffles.

"Four days." Vilde answers solemnly. Amelia nods sniffling and wiping her eyes, but the tears just keep coming.

"A-and Chris?" Amelia's voice breaks. Sana comes and sits on the bed with her grabbing her hand.

"They took his body back to Norway. There'll be a funeral when you return. His family wanted you to be there for it." Sana squeezes Amelia's hand tight but it just lays limply in hers.

It was reality. It wasn't some sick dream. Chris was really dead. And Amelia Mohn was alone.

"I'm so sorry Amelia." Noora comes and sits grabbing her other hand. Amelia looks up at her as a tear falls down her cheek. She smiles despite the sadness in her heart.

"I want to go home." She says. Everyone looks at one another.

"Amelia you were out for days-" Even begins.

"I want to go home."

"Amelia it's not really-" Chris is cut short.

"I want to go home."


"I want to go home!" Amelia cries. Tears fall freely now and everyone stands there with so much pity in their heart. She was broken. And she wanted to go home.

"Okay." Eva says. "I'll take you home." Amelia looks at her sadly and nods. Maybe Eva wasn't he person she really wanted to go home with but, she was the only one offering. And she was family. The last of it she had.

"I'll go talk to the doctors." Eva nods and leaves the room. Amelia sniffles and lays back down in her bed.

"Oh why." She cries. "He didn't deserve this. It's all my fault."

"What?! No it's not." Vilde exclaims.

"None of this is your fault." Sana nods.

"But it is." Amelia's voice wavers. Everyone is waiting for her to explain so she gulps and opens her shaky mouth. Chris comes to her side and grabs her hand for support.

"He was going back to the restaurant to get h-his wallet." Amelia begins. "But-but-but I had his wallet." She says as she gets even more choked up. "He woke me up and told me what he was doing. If-if I had ju-just remembered!" Amelia bursts into more tears. Everyone stands there, mouth agape. Amelia Mohn was not the reason for Chris Schistads death. It was just a sad coincidence that she had had his wallet when he went out to look for it. But it wasn't her fault. How could she have ever known?

"Amelia.." Noora comes and moves Chris aside, taking her place. "It's not your fault." Noora says getting choked up as well.


"No Amelia." Noora stops her. "You need to hear me." She shakily reaches out for her hand and hold it tight. "It is not your fault. You are not God or any higher being or fate or whatever anyone believes in. There is nothing you could have known or done to prevent this. Nothing. Because you didn't know. Don't punish yourself for something like this. Because-because it haunts you forever and you don't deserve that." Noora has tears in her eyes. "You are one of the bravest, smartest, and strongest women I have ever met in my entire life. And I would hate for that woman to carry something with her, a sadness, that isn't warranted or right. Because Chris would tell you the same thing. You didn't do anything wrong." Noora finishes and Amelia bursts into cries, hugging the girl.

Everyone in the room has a tear in their eye or on their face. Amelia Mohn did not kill Chris Schistad. Chris Schistad killed Chris Schistad.
It was not her fault.

Eva walks back into the room with a worried look on her face. "Amelia..."

Noora and Amelia break away.

Eva looks nervous. "I was the second one they called." She reminds her and opens the door more. Everyone's eyes go wide and Amelia's mouth hangs open. In the doorway stands the one person Amelia never thought she would have to see again.

"Hi Ame."

"Hi dad."

And yes I'm sorry. I know some of you said it was a dream but sadly it is not. He is gone. Chris is gone. The rest of the story will mostly be about her moving on and regaining herself while always living Chris. I'm sorry if you don't like that but hey my story haha

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