Chapter 21

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"Chris!" Amelia calls from the water. He looks at her from under his sunglasses and shakes his head.

Chris Schistad didn't like the ocean.

"Get your ass over here!" Amelia yells laughing and he reluctantly gets up from their spot on the beach. Amelia and Chris were in Malibu, a beach day was needed.

"Fine." Chris grumbles and gets up placing his sunglasses in Amelia's bag. "You're annoying you know that." Chris smiles as Amelia wraps her arms around his neck.

"I'm not. But I'm about to be." Amelia smirks evilly and Chris has no time to respond as she shoves him into the ocean. Amelia bursts out into a huge fit of laughter as Chris re emerges from the water spitting it from his mouth.

"Yes I agree you are annoying." Chris says walking over to her. "Good thing I'm bigger than you." He smirks.

"In more ways than on-" Amelia is swept up over Chris's shoulder as she laughs. "Chris!" She laughs hitting his back. He just hits her butt. "Hey not okay." Amelia jokes. Chris rolls his eyes and throws her back over his shoulder into the water.

When Amelia comes back to the surface her hair is covering her face. She quickly throws it over so she can see she glares at the boy. "Oh come on!" Amelia smiles. "That the best you got!?" She splashes him with the water.

"No." Chris says splashing her back. All was fun and games until Amelia felt a hard sting on her butt.

"Nice ass." Some guy walked by and had smacked her butt. Amelia stood frozen for a moment. She didn't know exactly what to feel, currently all she felt was rage. She didn't even notice, as she turned around, that Chris had already made his way over to the guy.

"Hey." He taps his shoulder. Chris and him were about the same height but Chris looked stronger than him. However the other guy did not backdown.

"What?" He asks.

"That's my girlfriend," Chris points at Amelia. "You can't just touch her like that. She didn't allow you to and I sure as hell didn't." Chris says his face heating up with rage as Amelia looks on worry now on her face. She didn't want him hurt. "Apologize." Chris takes a deep breath.

"What? No." The guy laughs rolling his eyes. "Who do you think you are?"

"Chris Schistad. And that name should put fear in your heart." Chris glares pulls his arm back and rams it right into the other guys nose. Amelia squeals shocked at the action, she covers her mouth with her hands. The guy gets up holding his nose as blood seeps from it.

"What the fuck?!" She guy yells and lunges chris but Chris is too fast and moves out of the way. When he comes back again Chris socks him right in the gut.

"Oh my god." Amelia says hands still covering her mouth. "Chris!" Amelia yells and he turns his head towards her. What a mistake that was.

The guy comes back and leaps onto Chris's back taking him down into the water. The two roll around and punch and kick each other for what seems like forever as Amelia screams at them to stop. Police come and break up the fight. The two get into cop cars and are taken away.

Amelia stands there stunned. Chris had been so soft the past few days. But I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. He was still Chris Schistad.

When Amelia got home with Chris that evening it was quiet. Chris was beaten and bruised and Amelia felt the same only mentally. She had pondered all day about why he had done it. He went so far.

"Chris?" Amelia turns to him as he sits down on the couch in the living room. He winces as his body touches the couch surface.

"Yeah?" He says his voice slightly hoarse.

"Why'd you do it?"

Chris looks at her with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean why? For you. He can't get away with things like that." Chris says.

Amelia shakes her head and furrows her brow. Sitting next to him she is silent as she thinks.

"I-I don't think that's the only reason." Amelia says. She wasn't mad about it, she just wanted to know.

"Why else would I have hit him Amelia?" Chris says getting defensive.

"Don't get defensive we're just talking." Amelia touches his arm and he pulls away.

"You're talking in an accusing tone."


"Come on Amelia just say it. What do you was the reason I hit him hm?" Chris says standing up looking down on her, clearly angry.

Amelia Mohn was not weak. She stood though a few inches shorter than him and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I think you did it because it's who you are. You may have done it for me, some part of you did, but you did it because you like it. You like hurting people, because you're Chris Schistad. And that should our fear in the hearts of people." Amelia says making sure he hears her every word.

"Bullshit." Chris says after silence.

"You know I'm right." Amelia crosses her arms across her chest.

"You don't know anything Amelia." Chris walks away from her.

"I don't know you? Chris I think I know you better than I know myself. And I know deep inside from the moment he smacked my ass you were glad you would have the chance to rough someone up again." Amelia scoffs.

"No I didn't-"

"Oh my god just admit it!"

"And what if I do huh?!" Chris makes the whole room go silent. "Do you want me to change then? Cause I've been good this whole trip and I finally did something that made me feel like me, are you going to take that away from me?" He yells at Amelia.

Amelia's expression goes from shocked to angry. "For fucks sake Chris. Do you hear yourself? Did anything I ever said to you ever suggest I wanted to change anything about you? Is that in my character?" Amelia says now advancing on him. "You really think I want something different from you? You really don't know me do you." Amelia shakes her head. Well I guess you couldn't because you spent two years with Eva instead of me. Must have forgotten." Amelia's butter words make Chris angry.

"Why are you bringing that up? I though we were starting over!"

"We were! Until you decided to forget everything about me! Im Amelia Mohn Chris! Not Eva Mohn! I wanted you bad! I wanted you good! I wanted you when no one else did and you wanted me just as much! Why would you choose to forget that our relationship works because we are the same person! We fight and we flirt and we are bad people sometimes! A lot of the time! But we worked. Why can't you just except that." Amelia yells at him.

"Amelia I don't think you're Eva." Chris sighs.

"Whatever Chris. When you decide to treat me like the right Mohn, The only one that should matter to you, then you can come sleep in the same bed as me." Amelia turns on her heal and it's gone into the bedroom.

Chris sighs and hits the wall. He messed up. He should've known Amelia wouldn't want to change him.

She was Amelia Mohn, not Eva Mohn.

Hey Guys! I'm back from my trip yay!

So Chris and Amelia are still getting over something's from their past because you can forgive but forgetting is much harder.

I hope you guys enjoy the story!

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