Chapter 13

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"Why Amelia why?" Noora sighs putting her face in her hands.

"Because, I like him better this way." Amelia says giving Chris another drink.

"But it's been three weeks since you guys have talked, doesn't that seem bad?" Vilde asks. Amelia only smirks.

"He's getting back in the game, I am too, we need our space. Watch, he'll call or show up." Amelia says walking away to put money in the register. She was at the bar and it was late in the evening. She decided to treat all her friends to a little treat and bought them all their first 2 drinks, except Sana.

"You aren't upset he's off with other girls?" Sana asks. Amelia scoffs.

"If I can be with other guys he can be with other girls." Amelia says but in the back of her mind she imagined Chris with another girl, and her stomach did a flip. "I'm fine. He'll come around, he can have all the girls he wants, but none are the one he needs, me." Amelia winks. The girls all roll their eyes. And speak of the devil someone did come around.

"Whatever it is it better be on the house." Chris says taking a seat next to Vilde and winking at her. She just looks at her drink.

"Excuse me?" Amelia scoffs. "Whatever you want will cost you." She clicks her tongue.

"Well you see pretty baby," the way Chris said that made Amelia get goose bumps. He was so sexy and out there she wanted him right then and there. "I think I'll have a rum and coke and you'll give it to me on the house." Amelia found herself nodding and made the drink. The girls looking on shocked at her actions.

"I'm just gonna..."

"We're gonna go." Chris say finishing Vildes sentence and grabbing Nooras hand dragging her and the rest of them out of the bar. They didn't want to be there to see whatever was going to happen.

Amelia hands Chris his drink and then goes ok working. "So, how's working here?" Chris asks taking a sip.

"Fine." Amelia says. "I get a lot of customers, drunk, funny...annoying." She says standing right in front of him.

"Ouch." He laughs and takes another drink. "I thought you were nicer than that Amelia."

"Hm, you thought wrong sweetheart." She taunts him. He glares at her slightly and she knows she was starting to get through his Vicky demeanor. "So why are you here?" Amelia asks.

"Can't I just come to have a good drink." He raises it and drinks it all. Amelia scoffs and leans down on the table, giving Chris a full shot of her boobs. "Well, the drinks aren't that good, you don't live near here, so..." she says leaning in closer and closer to him. Chris was on the edge of his seat looking from her chest to her eyes. "What could it be?" She smiles evily in his face and then licks her lips backing away. He groans lowly as she does so and Amelia smiles knowing that he was watching her walk away. She went to go give some customers their drinks and came back.

"So Chris? Answer yet?" She teases. They were in public yes, with actual people around, so they couldn't do much, but their eyes said things they would never say out loud.

"I was going to say I came for you." He smirks. "But I think that's what you'll be doing for me." Amelia's eyes widen slightly at his comment. 'Why was he always so fucking smooth?' She thought. It was just getting harder for her to control herself.

"Oh Chris, remember I've had you, and I can tell you right now, I've had much better." Amelia counters and laughs at Chris's annoyed face. "I'm sorry did I hurt your ego?"

"Care to make it up to me?" Chris's smile returns. Amelia rolls her eyes.

"No." She says but she wanted to say yes.

"Follow me." Chris chuckles at her answer and then gets up heading to the bathroom of the bar. Amelia stands there contemplating whether or not she should go or not. But something tells her to do and so she leaves the bar unattended and goes into the bathroom with Chris.

"What?" She snaps at him once she's inside.

"Woah Amelia, don't bark at me. I just wanted you to do a little favor for me..." he trails off and his hands go to his pants. Amelia scoffs as he does so.

"If you think I-"

But she stops when she sees him unzip his pants and reach inside. Her heart rate picks up and honestly in that moment all she wanted to do was what she said she wouldn't do. But Chris pulls out a little paper, not his dick.

"Can you call me?" He smirks and taunts the paper in front of Amelia. Amelia is awe struck at his move. Making her horny for a moment and the shutting her down. That was her move.

Chris walks closer to her slowly and places the paper right between her boobs. "Next time maybe we can pull something else out of my pants." He whispers in her ear and sends shivers down her spine. Chris walks out the bathroom and Amelia stands in shock. She pulls the paper out of her breasts and places it in her pocket. She had Chris's number and Chris knew that, he was just toying with her.

Amelia walked out of the bathroom and back around to the bar. Chris was gone and there was money left on the bar. Amelia takes it and pockets it quickly and slightly angered.

"You okay Amelia?" One of Amelia's regulars asks. Amelia looked up and flashed them a smile.

"Great." She says and then gets back to work. Amelia felt uneasy and sick to her stomach.
She hated the feelings and knew she had to up her game. She hated the feeling.

Because Amelia knew, she wasn't the one in control anymore.

Oooooo sexual tension ahhhhh

Hahaha so how are you guys hope you like this chapter and the rest of the book so far ahaha

The next update will be a q&a so last chance to ask me any questions! Can be about me, the book, any book, the moon, the stars etc.

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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