Chapter 15

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Chris called Amelia the next day.

"Hello?" Amelia says knowing full well who was on the other end.

"Go on a date with me."

"Ooo sounds tempting but remember we're starting over and I don't wanna go too fast, or at all." Amelia laughs taunting him.

"God damn it Amelia." Chris sighs through the phone. He seemed to really want her to go. "I'll be there in an hour." He hangs up and Amelia rolls her eyes.

What were they gonna do? Another drive? No. She wouldn't go through that again. She sighs and gets out of bed. It was twelve and a Saturday, there had to be a party around. She didn't know why he had called her so late, she guessed because he had just given up then.

She smiled at the thought of him giving in. It made her feel powerful.

Getting dressed she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked hot and she knew Chris would be thinking the same thing. A knock at her door sounded and she smiled. Grabbing her purse her went downstairs and answered the door.

"Chris." She smiles swinging it open. Chris's mouth hangs open at the sight of her. Her tight dress really did wonders. "What are we doing on this fine evening, no Im sorry, morning." Amelia says with resentment in her voice. She really didn't want to be on the date so late. She felt with no sleep she would be vulnerable and susceptible to his tricks.

"Just going for a drive." He smirks and Amelia's face heats up.

"No." She says. "Were not driving anywhere." She say quickly and steps out of the house closing it behind her.

"What?" Chris asks confused. He laughs. "Then what are we going to do Amelia?"

"We'll walk." She says glaring at him. He knew exactly what the drive would do, and Amelia would not have it.

"You're crazy." He says catching up with her as she walks down the street. Amelia just smirks.

"That's why you like me."

"I do not like you."

"Do too."



"Shut up."

"Make me." Amelia gets up in Chris's face with a smirk. "Make me Schistad." She repeats slowly trailing a finger across his jawline. Chris can't help him and he goes in for a kiss but Amelia swerves away. "That's not how you make me." She says a glint of evil in her eyes and then she keeps walking, Chris eventually catches up. "Where are we going?"

"I was going to take you to a dinner across town, but since we have no car..." he glares at her playfully and Amelia laughs.

"Well now what?"

"We could do anything." Chris says.

"Anything?" A lightbulb goes off in Amelia's head. "How crazy?" She asks.

"Crazy." Chris laughs. Amelia grabs Chris's hand and then they run down the street as fast as they can.

Amelia and Chris arrive at a beach side front and Amelia begins to strip. "Woah woah what are you doing?" Chris laughs as Amelia unzips her dress and steps out of her heels.

"Skinny dipping." She smirks and pulls off her bra. Chris looks away being polite but Amelia laughs. "Nothing you haven't seen." She laughs now naked.

"I thought we were starting over." He laughs fake shielding his eyes.

"Then welcome to my body." She does a turn and he laughs. "Your turn." She gestures to him.

"It's freezing." He points out and Amelia smirks seductively.

"Body heat." She says and then runs jumping into the freezing cold water. At that sight Chris was stripping as well. The water was freezing and Chris jumping in as well made Amelia laugh despite the pneumonia she was probably getting. Chris held her close and she felt warmer though the cold water was all around them.

"Having fun Schistad?" She smirks. He nods and she laughs swimming away from him. The ocean was salty and sweet.

Amelia screamed. Chris swam over to find her laughing. "Amelia!" He exclaimed. "I thought something had you!" He says exasperated. Amelia just keeps laughing.

"I. The. Seaweed. It. Got. Me." She says between laughs. The seaweed had wrapped around her ankle and she thought it was something else. Even Chris started to laugh after a while.

The two got out of the water later and dried off on the beach. They put on their undergarments at least, so they weren't lying naked on the beach.

"Look at the stars." Amelia smiles looking at them.

"They're beautiful." Chris smiles. "Like you." Amelia laughs at his cheesy line.

"Wow Chris Schistad, using a line. Never thought I'd see the day" she laughs and feels something on her hand. She looks down slightly and sees Chris's own hand slowly reaching to grab hers. She smiles despite herself and let him grab it. His hand was warm and familiar in hers. It felt good.

"How hard are you going to make this?" Chris asks suddenly.

"Hard as possible." Amelia answers right away.

"What if I give up?" Chris asks and Amelia could tell it was a real question. She is quiet for a time, not sure exactly how to answer.

"Well, then I guess you lose." She says simply.

"I'm not losing." Chris smiles at the sky and Amelia smiles to herself.

"Chris." Amelia says hesitantly.

"Yeah?" He looks over at her.

"Why did you cheat on me, with Eva." Amelia gulps. She didn't really know what answer she was expecting. She didn't know what she wanted to hear. And she didn't know what he would say.

"I...." Chris trails off. "Honest?" He says taking a deep breath. Hesitantly Amelia nods. "Honestly, she reminded me of you. Before you were broken." Chris says. Amelia's heart shatters a little. She was broken. "And I was scared. So I went with the one who didn't have baggage." He says referring to Eva. "But over time you realize," Chris sighs shaking his head in the sand. "Maybe you weren't the broken one. Maybe I was."

Amelia looks at Chris for a long time and then back at he sky. "How long are we going to lay here?" She asks quietly.

"As long as possible if I get to wake up with you again."

Ayyyyeeee a chapter yay! Sorry guys I'm working on so many things now ah! Like my music, this is basically birthday month for me and so everyone's having parties ahaha and also I have 2 other books im working on so I'm sorry if updates aren't as frequent :/ I still love y'all

I hope you guys liked the chapter! Chris and Amelia are both so cute like what

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