Chapter 16

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Chris and Amelia did wake up next to each other. Just not on the beach. They went back to Chris's place and spent the night. Except they didn't do anything. They just slept. It was so pure and wholesome.

They would be going to a party tonight. After the night they had the night before they both deserved it. Amelia was ready for it in some jeans and a tight top. She didn't want to get dressed up, she was emotionally drained from the night before and knew she'd look good no matter what she wore.

Chris wasn't coming to pick her up. She needed her distance from him. She didn't mean for last night to get really deep, she wanted it to be fun. That's why she skinny dipped, so they could have fun and be as far away from deep as possible. She hated the way no matter what, she could open up to Chris in s heartbeat. She trusted him, and she felt weak because of it.

Sighing Amelia gets in her car and drives to the party. She groans at the third stoplight she's gotten. She just wanted to get there and drink, she felt emotionally exhausted and didn't want to think tonight.

When she got there she greeted Noora and Vilde. "Where's Sana?" Amelia asked. She needed to ask her a question. They pointed to a seat, and with Sana sat Eva.

"Hey Sana." Amelia says finally getting the courage to go over. Eva and her exchanged a look and smiled but said no more.

"What do you think I should do about Chris?" She asks after a while. Eva's interest peaks at the question.

"Why ask me?" Sana asks confused.

"You're the smart and wise one." Amelia says making Sana laugh.

"What the problem?"

"I think I'm falling for Chris again." Amelia sighs and takes her drink and downing it. Sana gives her a look but the proceeds to speak.

"Well, is that really so bad?"

"Yes. He cheated me one before, twice. What if he does it again. I know he still likes me but is he in love with me?" Amelia sighs. Surprisingly Sana isn't the one to answer.

"Yes, he is. As much as he won't admit it." Eva says. Amelia gives her a look but Sana cuts off Amelia's train of thought.

"She was with Chris too whether you like it or not. She could be helpful." Sana says and Amelia thinks it over. True, Eva had been with Chris. But she was not with the Chris Amelia was with. She sighed a decided she'd listen to the girl.

"Go ahead." Amelia waves her arm telling her to continue.

"Well, confront him. He hates confrontation and always let's out his true feelings when he is confronted." Eva suggests. Amelia nods her head. She knew that was true. It was how he said it the first time.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you Eva." Amelia hugs the girl and leaves her stunned.

She searches the rooms for Chris until she finds him talking to a red head at the drink table. Amelia's heart tightens and she goes over and grabs him. "Chris we need to talk about that STD you gave me, was it chlamydia?" Amelia says interrupting the two and Chris nearly spits his drink out. The girl give him a disgusted look and walks away.

"What the fuck Amelia?" Chris says and Amelia only rolls her eyes and pulls him through the party. Once in a room that luckily had a lock she turned to him.

"How do you feel about me?" Amelia asks directly. Chris is taken aback but begins to answer.

"Well...I...I like you. That's evident." Chris smiles and pats the seat next to him. Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Chris I'm not fucking around." She snaps. Chris now stands.

"What do you want me to say?" He scoffs. "That I love you?" His words have venom in them and Amelia is enraged.

"You know what fuck this. Fuck Eva for this idea. Honestly I just needed you to say it and now that I know you can't, I'm pretty damn sure I don't love you." Amelia's words are as icy as her face.

"No don't you say that." Chris says going over to her. Amelia walks past him and they are opposite again.

"Why not? That's what you feel right?" Amelia says in a condescending tone. "The feelings mutual?" She narrows her eyes at him.

"Amelia please-"

"Cause I just can't believe your being like this. You cheated, and yet here I am, begging for you to tell me that you feel something for me. How pathetic could I get?"

"Amelia I-"

"Honestly though I'm done I can't take it anymore-"

"Amelia I love you!" Chris screams. The two are frozen where they are and Amelia looks right into his eyes.

"What?" Amelia says just above a whisper.

"I love you. I never stopped." Chris says breathlessly.

"I love you too."

At Amelia's words Chris and Amelia attack each other. Running into each other's arms and locking lips. Clothes are being thrown everywhere as they roughly kiss and undress. Chris rips Amelia's dress in the process.

They are hungry for each other and can't get enough. Basically naked and standing in the room things slow down. They look each other in the eyes and they see not only the lust, but the love.

Slowly, Amelia and Chris reconnect their lips. Only this time it's with love, and longing. The passion in between them is crazy. Laying Amelia on the bed Chris begins to go down her body.

Amelia moans as she looks down at him. Running her hands through his hair. Pulling him back up she kisses him once more and he starts to suck on her neck. Amelia feels her nails scratch Chris's back.

These two had been waiting for this moment for a long time. It was more than just sex then, it was love.

Hey guys ;)

Omgggg they're like made up and shit and they love each other whatttttt

Haha I hope you guys enjoy this chapter

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