Chapter 19

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Amelia Mohn shot up out of her seat and whacked at the air hitting something.

"Ow." Chris winced. She had just smacked him right in the face and he was holding his left eye.

"I'm sorry." Amelia laughs getting out of her seat. The two grab their stuff and slowly, very slowly, exit the plane. "I can't believe I'm here!" Amelia races through the LAX terminal. Chris laughs chasing after her. "God it's been years."

"My first time." Chris says looking around. To him it looked like Norway's airport, only with Californian tourist knick knacks.

"Well I'm here to make sure that we have a great time." Chris smiles as the get to the end of the airport and our the doors. "Oh my god." Amelia gasps.


"The heat." Amelia smiles and dances around in it. It was hot outside and Amelia was loving it. "Gosh it's gotta be at least 90 degrees." Amelia says as she basks in the sun.

"It feels weird." Chris says and Amelia laughs going on her phone and calling an uber.

"What's the address for the house again?" She asks Chris. He tells her and she types it in.

"Alright, uber will be here in 10."

"What are we going to do till then?" He asks tapping his foot on the ground.

"Chill Chris is ten minutes." Amelia rolls her eyes and Chris mocks a hurt face.

"Rude." The pair laugh and make small talk before there uber gets there and they climb in the car.

"Lovely young couple." The uber driver says. Shes a woman in her mid forties with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh we're-"

"It's kinda-"

"Complicated." The two finish in unison. Chris and Amelia lock and and smile awkwardly at their answers. They hadn't truly talked about what they were yet and therefore didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Oh my bad. A girlfriend in the mix?" She presumes in a slightly judged tone.

"No no nothing like that." Chris defends himself. "I'm not like that."

"Oh I wasn't talking to you dear. The girl is much better looking than you. She could pull it off."

At this Amelia bursts into the biggest fit of laughter she would swear she'd ever had. She snorted and clapped her hands and Chris's face turned red with embarrassment.

Soon he realized Amelia's laughter and chuckles along side here.

"This is already proving to be a great idea." Amelia says grabbing Chris's hand and smiling up at him.

"Yeah I guess it is." He smiles as she rests her head on.

"Thank you. You're gonna get five stars." Amelia says to the uber driver when Chris and her arrive at their rented house.

"I'll get the bags." Chris says as Amelia stares at the house. It was red brick, which wasn't normal for LA, but Amelia liked it. One story with a pool in the back and two bedrooms not that they'd need that many. She assumed that they would sleep in the same room, at least she hoped.

"I'll help-" Amelia turns to see Chris holding the bags and she sighs smiling. "Sorry." She says laughing a little and Chris just smiles.

"Come on." He nods his head towards the house.

"Let me take one." Amelia says as they walk up the path.

"Oh no you lost your chance to be independent." Chris shoves her away with the bags and runs ahead of her.

"You're very rude today!" Amelia yells after him as he runs into the house. She laughs and follows him inside. The living room was nice, a couch, coffee table, and flat screen tv. The kitchen was the most beautiful thing. Even though Amelia didn't cook often it made her want to.

"Two bedrooms?" Chris asks putting the things down because they were getting heavy.

"Yep." Amelia says rocking back and forth on her feet. She wanted him to say something about them being together.

Chris runs his hand through his hair and whistles. "Nice." He says. He looks around trying to avoid the elephant in the room. What were they. And would they sleep together in the same bed.

For some reason it was awkward here. It felt as though they were really starting over and they were actually going through the motions of dating, like actual dating. Amelia and Chris grew up since high school and there relationship felt more fragile, like it was serious.

"Wanna just be in one room?" They ask in unison breaking the silence. The two awkwardly laugh and smile at each other.

"Yeah, id like that." Amelia says grabbing her bags and going to the master bedroom. Chris follows suit with his own bags.

"Let's....unpack." Amelia says clapping her hands together and unzipping her suitcase.

"Yeah..." Chris says doing the same. They had been fine on the way over, on the decision to come, everything. But now. Now that they were really here and alone and vulnerable in a new place. It made them wonder if they could really do this.



They two smile at their awakened unison talk again.

"Can we just stop this?" Chris asks. Amelia nods.

"Yeah there's no reason to be awkward." Amelia laughs lightly putting her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah it's not like we have any baggage." Chris says and Amelia snorts before nodding unconvincingly.

"Totally not avoiding things." Amelia scratches the back of her head.

Chris and Amelia lock eyes. They stay close to each other, staring at each other for a long time.

"Oh just kiss me already." Amelia says and pulls Chris into her, grabbing his face and running her hands through his hair.

Chris excepts the kiss willingly. He was just about to do the same thing. The two fall back onto the bed and have a sweet make out session. Pulling away Amelia smiles.

"I guess we needed that."

"I'll say so." Chris laughs grabbing her hand and playing with her fingers lightly.

"So we're together?" Amelia asks biting her lip.

"Yes we're together." Chris smiles and grabs her face pulling her into another sweet kiss.

"I don't think we ever stopped."

Hey guys! I know I said I was back last time blah blah but I really didn't have anywhere this story was going and now I know where it is going so I am actually gonna be writing it. I was inspired one night and now it's happening.

You may not like the plot now when you see it but it's what made me want to keep writing it so 😜

I think it'll be good and I'm actually excited for you guys to see where Amelia and Chris go

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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