Chapter 9

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Parties were all the same. Amelia knew how each one would go. She would get there, have fun, get drunk, and then some shit would happen. It was a simple thing that seemed to always happen. This time her shit, was Chris.

She scanned the room for him subconsciously. She couldn't see him. Noora had informed her that Eva would not be there tonight and just the thought made Amelia's smile widen.

She went right to the alcohol of course. Grabbed a bottle like before and took only a sip this time.

"You're gonna kill yourself one day doing that." Chris walks over to an intoxicated Amelia.

"Maybe I am, this time you can't stop me." Amelia smiles evilly. Chris looks at her dumbfounded.

"Amelia, don't say shit like that okay?" He says taking the bottle from her. Amelia frowns, she was slightly drunk so she didn't see the harm in her words.

"Why? Make you angry?" She pouts and Chris sighs grabbing her arm and pulling her through the party. "Eager are we?" She sing songs as he pulls her into a room.

"Amelia what is this?" He asks.

"I don't know what you mean." Amelia says nonchalantly.

"Bullshit you know what I'm talking about. You tease, then you let me go, you say hello, then I'm nothing. What's going on?" Chris says running his hands through his hair.

"Well you're with Eva, so, I don't think it should matter." Amelia rolls her eyes.

"I am with Eva.." Chris says mostly to himself.
"I just, I can't get you out of my head." Chris sighs sitting down on the couch in the room.

"Neither can I." Amelia admits. She wanted Chris more than she's ever wanted someone in her life. She just couldn't have him, and it pained her. Amelia looks up and Chris and slowly they begin to lean in. Closer and closer until their inches apart.

"I can't do this." Chris stands up breaking the moment. Amelia's shocked expression sets him off. "I can't do that to Eva." He explains. His words set her off.

"But it's okay to do it to me?" Amelia stands up to face him.

"That's not what I-"

"No I know what you meant Chris. You meant that I'm not as good as her." Amelia says.

"No Ame-"

"You meant-"

Chris cuts her off with a kiss. It's a single one but it tells her so much. Chris was definitely not over Amelia.

"Do that again." Amelia says after he pulls away.

"I can't." He says letting her go.

"Why not? You just did." Amelia scoffs.

"God damn it Amelia!" Chris yells stunning her into silence. "I can't do this with you! Playing games and shit." He says exasperated.

"Me playing games with you?! Don't you see that I just want you, you. You're all I ever wanted!" Amelia yells at him. "Why don't you see that I loved you! You were mine and I was yours and everything was perfect but you're the one who let your heart wander. Not me." Amelia seethes.


"And you know what else? You left just in time didn't you, just in time! Because while you were off having sex with my best friend I was caring for a baby in my stomach!" Amelia yells and the room goes quiet. Somehow they feel they can't hear the loud music outside. Everything is still.

"What?" Chris looks at Amelia wide eyed. Amelia's mouth hangs open. She couldn't believe that she had just said that.

"It doesn't matter now." Amelia says quietly.

"No Amelia-"


"Tell me!" He grabs her arms as tears fill her eyes. She sobs into his chest as he holds her. A feeling she knew all too well.

"I-I found out I was pregnant not long after you left." Amelia begins and Chris hangs his head. "8 months later, I delivered."

"8 months?"

"Chris, the baby died because she was born prematurely. It was yours." Amelia cries and Chris's eyes fill with his own tears. "Her name was Lise."

"Lise, what a beautiful name." Chris cries with Amelia. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks in a serious tone.

"Because, I felt then you didn't deserve to know." Amelia's voice is small and hushed. "Because you left me. And you weren't there."

"I'm so so sorry. You went through that all alone." Chris wipes away some of his tears.

"You weren't there." Amelia repeats and throws herself into Chris, crying into his chest again. She hold his shirt tight and he hold her tight. He doesn't want to let go.

Chris hate all the pain he caused Amelia. He never wanted to hurt her. Had he fallen in love with Eva? Yes he had. Had he fallen in love with Amelia? Yes he had. Was he still in love with Eva? No. Was he still in love with Amelia? He never stopped.

"I'm here now."

Okay everyone was freaking out about Chris and Amelia not being together and the lack of the them and I'm sorry guys it just the way I have the story planned out. This was supposed to go up tomorrow and I guess now it will but just really early because it's midnight here so yeah here ya go.

They fought and now Chris knows about Lise. What do you think will happen next? Because Chris and Amelia still need each other they just have a lot of complications still in their way *cough* Eva *cough*

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