Chapter 26

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"Hi." Eva breaks the silence and snaps Amelia's head back to hers. Eva looks around the room at everyone and sighs. "Guys can you give us a minute?" Everyone nods silently and soon the room has three people left. Amelia Mohn, Eva Mohn, and Greg Mohn.

"What are you doing here?" Amelia speaks first. Her voice is calm and she tries to advert her eyes from him.

"I got a call. You were in an accident?" He says as if he were stepping on broken glass around Amelia.

"No. Someone else was." Amelia says with no emotion in her voice. She wanted him to know nothing. He didn't deserve to know anything at all.


"Maybe if you weren't horrible you'd know." Amelia snaps back. Eva stands silent in the corner as if the referee in her and her dads bickering.

"You're right I didn't come home."

"And mom hit me."

"She did." He sighs exasperated

"And she died."


Amelia looks up at her father in disbelief. How could he not know.

"What do you mean what?" Amelia narrows her eyes at him. "She died and almost killed Eva in the process."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying she's dead." Amelia's words are ice compared to her fathers disbelief and shock. He reaches for the chair and sits in it.

"I can't believe it."

"It's not like you cared about her anyways." Amelia rolls her eyes. What happened next would shock Amelia.

"I cared about her!" He jumps from his chair. "Don't you dare say I didn't care about my wife."

"Y-you left." Amelia says despite her fear. She had enraged her father but she still didn't quite believe him.

"I did not. It wasn't my choice at least." Her father says calming down.

"Amelia's mom said that you-" Eva begins.

"Whatever she said was a lie."

"Don't tell me she lied." Amelia seethes. "She may have hurt me and done bad things but she never lied to me."

"Ame plea-"

"Don't call me that!" Amelia screams. "You can never call me that's again. No one can. That was reserved for one" Amelia slowly starts to break down. "And he-he's gone." The tears are flowing and Eva goes and sits next to her grabbing her hand.

"Amelia I'm sorry." Her dad looks at her distraught. "Let me, let me explain it all to you please." He begs and Amelia can see the look in his eyes and she almost cracks.

"Not now. Not ever. Please just, go." She cries into Eva's arm.

Eva nods at the door and her dad looks as if he's about to cry. But he goes to the door, opens it, looks back at his broken daughter, and at her request, leaves.

"Oh Eva why did he have to come." She cries.

"Shhhh. I know Amelia. I know. Let's get you home. I'll go tell them I'm taking you home okay?" Eva smiles lightly at her and Amelia stops crying and nods. Eva gets up and leaves the room, leaving Amelia alone. Sitting in the room alone Amelia had nothing but her and her own thoughts. And her own thoughts were dangerous.

"What....what if...." Amelia starts to talk to the open room. She knows there's cameras watching her so she's hesitant. But deep down she feels the need to speak, to open air, to no one, to Chris.

"What if I had remembered that I had it." She speaks quietly. Like a frightened child. "What if."

"Chris?" She looks up at the ceiling even though she knows it's just a ceiling. She had never been religious, but that didn't matter to her right now. "Chris please tell me you're up there. In heaven." Her voice still hushed. "Tell me that you're at peace and you're happy. Because I need to know that, whether I believe it or not I need to know that you're okay. That you're not suffering or in pain." Her voice slowly gets louder as she feels safe for some reason. "I want you to know that I am sorry. That I truly am sorry." The tears begin yet again. "Chris I-I can't take back whatever part I had in your death, though everyone tells me I had no part but they just say that. I may not be the cause but I was a factor." Amelia nods to herself. "I know that you love me. So much. And I-I-I Love Y-You too." Amelia bites her lip so hard she bleeds. "I want you to know that it hurts so bad. That I am hurting. I want you to know that it feels like a piece of me has left and I feel broken and alone. I want you to know that not to make you sad but to make you happy. Because it means that I love you. And that was my last happiness, our love. The last thing I yearned for everyday. The last thing I had to want to get out of bed in the morning. And now it's gone." Amelia wipes away the tears and breathes in heavily for a moment. "I don't know why I'm talking to an empty room thinking you're here, but I can't seem to do anything else to make anything better because goddamnit I just want you to tell me that you love me one last time. To hold you again, and feel your touch, to hear you breathe and be alive. That's all I want. That's all I've ever wanted. I'm going home today. I'm going home alone when I was supposed to go home with you. Chris, there was so much more we needed to do. And I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life. Having lost a soulmate, it feels like something's died inside you as well. Chris I don't know what I'm even saying, but I guess I'm just trying to say, I miss you."

Amelia looks up at the ceiling and lets out a good few years before wiping them away.

Eva comes in the door moments later. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Amelia says hoarse. Eva's eyes convey pity

"We're going home."

Happy Father's Day y'all! I got locked out of my account but I got it back and so this is my return. You all say the nicest things about my writing and it means so so much truly. Thank you all for the support and love you give me with this series. It truly has been a wild ride.

I actually cried writing this because it truly touched me and I related so much to Amelia. Not because I've lost a soulmate but because I've lost.

On a happier note: mohnstad is endgame and I've never been happier! CHRIS SCHISTAD  is in LOVE with EVA MOHN. No one can tell me anything different for years to come.

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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