Chapter 14

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"Why are you so upset?" Noora asks laying on Amelia's bed. Amelia and Noora were hanging out at Amelia's. Making sure that Amelia was ready for tonight. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

"No. Yes." Amelia sighs holding up a dress to her body and looking herself in the mirror. "I don't know." She says changing the dress in front of her to another. "I wanted him to be back to his old self. Eva made him soft, soft and weak." Amelia says. "I want him in the game, but I need to be winning." She says grabbing the first dress and deciding it was the one.

"Well, he's back." Noora smirks.

"And I hate it." Amelia scowls looking at herself one more time before beginning to strip. She puts on the dress and looks at herself in the mirror. "How do I look?" Amelia asks.

"Stunning as usual. Honestly I don't know how you do it." Noora smiles at her friend.

"All in the confidence boo." Amelia winks at her and the turns back to the mirror to examine her hair.

"What is tonight anyway?"

Amelia turns to Noora and smiles evily. "Chris gave me his number. Do you think I called him?" Because Noora can answer Amelia does. "No." She smiles. "But I do know where Chris will be tonight...." she trails off.

"With William. That's why you wanted me here!" Noora accuses her but laughs.

"No, maybe a small part of it was that but also because I love you." Amelia smiles sitting on the bed.

"Amelia it's just an event. Cocktail party. Not a rager." Noora says. Amelia rolls her eyes.

"You have no faith in me. I can be classy yet sexy and you know that."

"You can, but can you control yourself with Chris?" She raises an eyebrow at her. Amelia just smirks.

"He's the one who's going to need to control himself."


Noora was right about it being just a cocktail party. While Amelia still preferred the raging parties to the sophisticated parties, she was mature enough to know what to do at each one.

"Amelia Mohn." She smiles shaking hands with some businessman. Noora was William were behind her, she had driven with them. Chris would be coming late, he had something to do. 'Psh.' Amelia thought. 'More like someone to do.'

"Maxxie Antony." The man said shaking her hand back. This was some party for rich businessmen. William and Chris did hope to be them some day. But Amelia liked the appeal of money, and the one in front of her definitely had some of that. His designer clothes and expensive smelling cologne oozed class and money. And for a moment Amelia was entranced. "Are you someone's wife?" Maxxie flashed a wide smile.

Amelia laughed. "Oh no I am single, and not that old." Amelia smiles. Maxxie gets this look in his eyes and Amelia knows the look all too well. Most girls wouldn't catch it but Amelia was famous for this look. The look of 'I'm going to fuck you later but nothing more.'

Amelia returned the exact same look. "So Maxxie, what do you do?" Amelia says seductively. Just then Chris walks in the room. Almost like it was ingrained in her senses she smelled him, his familiar cologne and everyone, everyone had a scent. She turned her head to see him looking great in his formal attire and she moaned a little under her breath. He spotted her and then winked. But Amelia was the one playing now. She turned right back to Maxxie not paying attention to Chris. She could practically feel his disappointment from the other side of the room.

"I am the CEO of a department store. Worldwide and great fashion. Which I'm sure you value." Maxxie says taking the opportunity to look her over. Amelia feels Chris's precedence nearing and soon he's right behind her just a few feet back. And she feels his eyes all over her.

"Of course. As do you." Amelia says taking a step closer to Maxxie. She couldn't just make out with him, though she knew he wouldn't object. This was a classy party and there was an art to jealously. Amelia knew that making out with him would make Chris mad. But she needed his skin to crawl, she needed him to squirm. And she knew just how.

"What are you doing later?" Amelia says biting her lip and looking up into Maxxies eyes suggestively. Chris coughs loudly from behind her and she knows he heard her. Laughs lightly she gets even closer to Maxxie and he places his hand on the small of her back. She knows Chris is behind her, staring daggers.

"I will do whatever you want to do." Maxxie says lowly. Amelia bites her nail sexily and and laughs as Chris goes to the other side of the two. He couldn't run away so easily. Amelia reaches up and starts  using her nails to walk up Maxxies chest to his shoulder. Then she leans in slowly and whispers in his ear.

"Thanks for the help." Maxxie is confused but Amelia sees the look on Chris's face from the other side. He's infuriated and it looks like his glass is going to break. Amelia detached herself from Maxxie and walks over to where Chris is.

"What the matter babe?" Amelia asks smugly. Chris doesn't answer, he just glares at her slightly then looks back up at Maxxie probably killing him with his eyes. "Are you upset about me and Maxxie?" Amelia asks with fake interest. "Awh baby." Amelia with mock sweetness. Chris looks at her now. "Baby, I don't belong to you. You can't have me anymore." Amelia laughs lightly and etches Chris's face contort into a victimized and insecure expression. Amelia reached up pulled Chris's head to hers. She got really close to his ear and whispered lowly.

"How does it feel to not be in control anymore?"

Badass Amelia yeaaaaaaa

Hey guys so I have a sound cloud and I just posted my first cover so you should look up my name (Amy McCartt) on there or the cover (crazy in love cover Amy McCartt) and Check it out!

I love you all so so much honestly can't you guys be my best friends? Like message me! Dm me on Instagram! Because like you guys are the sweetest and I'd love to get to know you better :)

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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