Chapter 30

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It was raining that day. It was Chris's funeral. Everyone stood in the cemetery and the ceremony began, and then it started to rain. Everyone's umbrellas went up and made everything look even more depressing.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the life of Christoffer Schistad." The reverend begins. Amelia couldn't even look at the casket. She couldn't imagine him being in there. Everyone was stone faced through most of the reverends speech.

"If anyone who would like to come up and say a few words, now is the time." He nods his head and steps down from beside Chris's casket.

William stands. Noora watches him sadly go up and take out a piece of paper. He breaths in deep and Amelia feels herself hurt for him. He lost his best friend. He lost someone so dear to him.

"Chris was my best friend." William begins. "He still is." He says quieter. "He was a great friend. He was always there for me, even when he made stupid decisions, we made stupid decisions for each other. We would always be there to protect one another. In high school if one of our names was in someone's mouth he would be the first to defend us. To defend me. I didn't used to be the kind of person who did the right thing, who settled down," William smiles at Noora. "But he helped me get there. Maybe he didn't see it in himself but he saw it in me. And one day he'd get there too. And he did." William looks at Amelia and she smiles letting a tear fall. "I almost left the love of my life once. In our first year together I almost let her go. He was ready to drive me away, but he told me to go get her. He told me that I was making a huge mistake, and he was right. And I can't help but think that without him, I'll make mistakes and he won't be able to stop me." William starts to get emotional and Amelia looks over at Noora who's crying. William never really cried. "Chris became a better man than I will ever be. Even in his youth, he was always secretly the better man. To the better man." William swallow hard and Noora goes to get him, she helps him down with his hands in his face. Amelia looks around, it was her turn.

She stands and slowly walks next to the casket. She doesn't take her umbrella and it's pouring. Everyone is looking at the her like she's crazy.

"I must seem crazy to all of you." Amelia laugh pitifully. "Standing in the pouring rain next to his casket. But I really just didn't want anyone to see me cry." Amelia smiles crying. "The rain washes away tears. And trust me there been so many since he's been gone." Everyone now looks at Amelia with sadness in their eyes. "Chris was the love of my life. When we first met. Chris was rude and arrogant and really hot." Amelia laughs making everyone else laugh.

"You want some fun spend a night with me." Chris says just loud enough for her to hear. Amelia stops in her tracks and turns around. Smirking from ear to ear.

"Hm well I'm sure the night wouldn't last very long." Amelia clicks her tongue and looks down at Chris's crotch. He isn't even fazed.

"Maybe for you. In your case I'm sure it'll be quite quick." He says taking a step closer to her. She laughs and takes one more towards him.

"Maybe we'll just have to find out."


"But then again I was just as bad as him. We would toss insults around laced with sexual compliments. Our goal became to break each other." Amelia knew she had to say what she was saying. This was the story of them. It needed to be told.

Amelia pushes her aside much to that girl's dismay as she yells out, "bitch!" But no in really cares because Amelia grabs Chris and kisses him hard. Hungry and passionate. Her hands find his hair and he seems surprised but plays it cool, he kisses her back, slipping his tongue in.

Broken and gone// Chris Schistad (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now