Chapter 11

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Eva and Chris were officially over that day. Honestly Amelia didn't know how to feel. Was she happy? Was she sad? Was she scared? Was she mad? She didn't know. Maybe all of the above. All she knew is that if Chris wanted her back, he would have to work for it. Fight like he did in high school. He would have to deal with her bitchiness, her sexualization and bullshit. She wouldn't let him in easy, she would never let anyone in easily again.

"So..." Amelia says to the stuffed animal. She cuddles her 'Lise' in her arms. That's what she was calling the thing. "Do you think I should go after him?" She asks it. She thinks her question over. She wanted him. She wanted him bad. But she didn't wanna beg, he didn't deserve that. "Should I wait for him?" She asks. She didn't want to wait, she needed some answers now. "Or should I provoke him?" She smiles to herself already knowing the answer.

To Chris: meet me at Greenway, one hour.

Amelia smiles setting down her phone and the plush animal. She runs to her closet and changes her clothes. Now in a much sexier look she looks at herself in the mirror. She takes a deep breath. She knew what she was doing. She'd give him hell, and hopefully he'd play along, if not, well, she didn't know what to do then.

Her phone pings.

Chris: okay.

Amelia smiles and goes down and out the door. She drives over to Greenway, a great club she loved. She knew he wouldn't be there for a while and so she decides to get some drinks in her system.

She starts dancing with some guys when he comes in. He runs over and pulls her off of them. "Hey! What the-oh, hey Chris." Amelia smiles.

"Amelia I can smell the alcohol on your breath." Chris says angrily.

"Well I was just having a good time." Amelia says.

"What is this Amelia?" Chris yells over the music. Amelia cocks her head to the side not quite comprehending his question. He sighs frustrated and grabs her arm pulling her out of the club. Now that they were outside Amelia was cold and unhappy.

"Why are we outside." She whines. Chris laughs bitterly.

"God, for once I thought, maybe just maybe we could have a civilized discussion." Amelia narrows her eyes at him.

"You want a discussion? I came here to tease you, not to talk to you." Amelia scoffs. Chris laughs again.

"Of course, of course! It's always a game with you isn't it?" Chris rubs his face with his hands. The cold and the conversation seemed to sober up Amelia.

"What do you want from me Chris?" She asks trying to remain calm.

"I want you to be easy, I want you, I want you and no one else but you make it so hard!" Chris yells.

"And who the hells fault is that." Amelia says getting up in his face. "Who left me. Who cheated. Who made me back into the soulless, heartless bitch I was before we were together huh? You. No one to blame but you so don't you dare blame me." Amelia seethes. Chris slowly processes her words and steps back.

"If you want out, go now. Because I'm telling you right now, it's not gonna be easy. I'm never letting anyone in easily again and so if you want to be the first to try and break through go for it. Play the game, fight for me, win me." Amelia says standing open. "But if you want to bail then bail. You're great at that." She spits out and then turns, walking down the street, with nowhere in particular to go. She's gets to the crosswalk and is crossing it when a pair of arms to turn her around and she is face to face with Chris.

"I don't want to bail." He says breathlessly. "I want you, I fucked up but I want you. Eva and I are over you know that. And I've never been more sure of anything in my life that I want you." Chris sighs sucking in a huge breath. Amelia stands staring into his clear eyes. He was sober that was for sure. She didn't think he'd come after her. But she knew what she would say if he did.

"Then fight for me."

Amelia pulls out of his grasp and starts walking away not breaking their stare until she has to and then keeps walking. Her car was back at the club but she would go back for it later. She needed Chris to prove that he really wanted her. She wouldn't let this be easy. It would probably be hell. He would he teased and sexually frustrated. He would be broken and built back up. He would go through it all, and if he really wanted her, he would survive.

Because if there's one thing about Amelia Mohn, it's that if before she was difficult, now, she was impossible.

Amelia and Chris have a shot if Chris wants to work for it :) but yeah gonna suck for him but let's all be real he deserves it

I'm just excited for her to like sort of get revenge while also loving him and all that

Anyway hey guys I have a question: would you guys want to do a q&a with me? Like it's totally fine if you don't but idk I thought it would be fun if you asked me questions and I answered and then asked you all the same one back if it applies :) cool if you don't wanna just let me know

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