Chapter 7

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"You did what?!" Vilde yells as Amelia smirks. She was proud of how she handled the night before. Had she wanted to take Chris then and there? Yes. Had she though? No.

"I told him to move on." Amelia smirks. Vilde seemed in shock at the whole situation.

"But you haven't moved on." Noora points out and Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, so?" She says annoyed and grumpy. Noora sighs.

"So, you're not one to talk." Noora eyes her and Amelia grumbles in response.

"Amelia we love that you're back, better than ever." Chris smiles and Amelia returns it.


"But you're in denial if you think pushing him away is going to make it any easier for you to stay away." Sana says with a blank expression on her face. Amelia glares at her. She knew that, she knew that right now all she wanted was to be in his arms, but would she say that? No.

"I can control myself. It's him who needs to control himself." Amelia scoffs. "I'm a tease, and I'm telling you, I could take him back." Amelia says and they all look down.

"But what about Eva?" Vilde says barely above a whisper. Everyone looks away uncomfortably except Amelia who looks at Vilde.

"Yeah, what about Eva..." Amelia says quietly, clearly hurt by the hearing of her name.

"They are together." Vilde says picking at her nails. Amelia swallows hard.

"Yeah...they sure are..."

"Eva?" Amelia yells into her house. She had the key and had just walked in. She walked towards the stairs, every step pained her for she knew, she knew exactly what she would see when she reached the top.

Her hands shook as she reached for the door handle, she could leave, pretend she didn't know anything and just leave. But she turned the handle, and saw her worst nightmare.

"Oh my god..." Amelia voice was hoarse and low. Eva and Chris lay in Eva's bed, naked presumably.

"Amelia!" Eva exclaims.

"Amelia I-"

But Amelia doesn't hear Chris finish. She's crying and the tears blur her vision so she almost falls on the stairs. She runs out the door and jumps into her car speeding away. A while later she pulled to the side of the road and put her car in park. She cried and cried in the car, hitting the wheel a few times and it honked. Angrily she got out of the car and stood in the street, kicking the ground and throwing whatever she could find around.

Amelia Mohn fell to her knees. Seeing your best friend, your family, with the one you told you'd love forever, was heart wrenching. It hurt more than she could describe. And since then, she hadn't talked to either of them.

"What actually happened that day?" Sana asks grabbing Amelia's hand. Amelia lets out a shakey breath.

"Amelia please open the door." Chris stood on the other side with the rest of his things. After Amelia's break down she had gone home, grabbed all of Chris's things, and placed them outside. As far as she knew she was done with him, she didn't want to speak to him again. But she opened the door.

He walked in. "Amelia I'm so sorry." Chris says going to touch her but she moves away.

"Whatever." Amelia says. "Just take all your things and leave." She points at the door.

"Come one Amelia, you opened the door for me....let's talk." Chris says. Amelia looks at him with a blank expression.

"One of the worst mistakes I've ever made in my life." She says monotonously. "Go." She says. Chris looks hurt and sad. "Just tell me why Chris? Why did you do it?"

"Because I love her."


"I love her."

Amelia chokes back her tears and forces out a laugh.

"You love Eva?"

"I am in love with Eva."

"Oh my god...." Chris says shaking her head. "Eva always said she hadn't talked to you since you walked out, which I guess it true but she said she didn't know what happened between you and Chris." She says

"She probably didn't." Amelia says staring off into the distance. "But he told me he loved her, and I told him I loved him. Then he left." Amelia flicks a speck of dust off of her shoulder.

"I can't imagine that." Vilde says.

"Did you guys ever ask Eva about it?" Amelia asks. They all shake their heads.

"We all made a pact, don't ask, it would only cause drama." Sana says. Amelia nods, it made sense.

"Eva was really beaten up about it." Vilde says. Amelia scoffs.

"Good for her." Amelia says. "She's the one who took my boyfriend, cheated on our friendship, betrayed family, and yet she got all the sympathy..." Amelia chuckles in pity of herself.

"I'm sorry Amelia." Noora gets up and hugs her. "Really, truly." Noora wipes away tears. Amelia sighs at her friends, she didn't want them to cry. Vilde wipes away some tears too.

"Guys, don't cry for me. It's the past and you're all here now. I was awful to you during this time, I can't promise I would've stayed too. Thanks for being here now." Amelia stands and they all run into a hug. "I don't even want Chris anymore." Amelia lies. "I just want him to feel my pain." She says truthfully.

"So what are you going to do about Chris?" Noora asks.

"I've broken him once I can do it again."

Hey guys so Disney was fun :)

Hope y'all are pleased with this Amelia's back on track she's herself and she still wants Chris but she also wants to hurt him. Which honestly is understandable.

Love you all really you're all so so nice like wtf I'm not that good of a writer omg ah

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