Chapter 10

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Amelia woke up in someone's arms. Chris's arms held Amelia tight and she felt at home. She inhaled deeply taking in his familiar scent. After last night the two just talked. They talked and talked. About their lives, about Lise, about Eva. Amelia didn't know if it was alcohol or something but Chris told her what was going on with him and Eva.

For the past few weeks they had been growing apart. And then Eva's been going mad since Amelia came back. Chris told Amelia he wasn't in love with Eva anymore. And as awful as that was, Amelia was happy.

Amelia got out from his grasp and left the house of the party. She didn't know quite what to do that morning. Stay? She couldn't, she wasn't with him. Go? She needed to. Amelia got to her car and started it when she got a text.

Eva: I know I'm the last person you want to hear from. But can we please talk

Amelia sighs at the text. She wanted to hate her more than anything. She had betrayed her, taken everything from her. But she had sort of forgiven Chris, and while he still had a long way to go, it was only fair she give Eva a chance.

Amy: coffee shop, now, you know the one

Amelia backs out of the driveway and drives over. It takes ten minutes but she wishes it were longer, she was dreading this conversation. She gets out of the car and spots her, pulling into a parking spot. To be polite Amelia waits for her to get to the door and opens it for her.

A small, "thank you." Comes out of Eva's mouth as she enters the cafe. They sit in the same spot Sana and Amelia sat not too long ago.

"Thank you for meeting me." Eva says shyly and sips her coffee. Amelia looks at her with a look of disdain. She didn't like the girl at the moment. But deep down she was family.

"No problem, I just left a party, with your boyfriend." The words 'your boyfriend' in regards to Chris hurt Amelia. She never thought she'd have to say that.

"About that..." Eva sighs. "I'm sorry." Eva says. "I never got to say it for real I never got to actual apologize to you for being an awful friend, an awful family member." Eva says shaking her head at herself. "I was just blinded by Chris." Eva sighs laughing at her stupidity.

"That makes two of us." Amelia laughs. She felt herself going back into her old ways with Eva.

"I was so in love with him...I lost track of everything. I stopped hanging out with the girls, I didn't work, I didn't see my mom, it was unhealthy." Eva says sadly. "But I loved him all the more." She takes a big sip of her coffee. "And now that your back I've been crazy trying to keep him. But what you guys have, it's undeniable." Eva raises her drink to Amelia. "I feel threatened by it."

"I'm sorry." Amelia finds herself saying. "Eva, you are my family and so therefore I am forced to love you." Amelia laughs and so does Eva. "But what you did was wrong, awful, it hurt more than I can explain." Amelia says getting emotional. "I felt let down, like my best friend betrayed me, which she did. As if she cheated on me." Amelia says tears forming in her eyes and Eva's. "But for some goddamn reason I can't deny that I love you." Amelia laughs lightly. "Because you're my best friend and I love you." Eva smiles wiping tears away.

"So that's why I'll back off." Amelia nods to herself. "If you love him, no matter what, if you're happy I can be too." Amelia cries. "Because that's what friends do. They sacrifice for their other friends happiness."


"No Eva I can do this for you. Because let's be honest I let Chris in too fast. And he cheated on me. If I can forgive him, I can forgive you, I'm not one to hold a double standard and you know that." Amelia smiles at her. She had missed Eva.

"Amelia I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Eva's eyes are brimming with tears once more. "I came to tell you I'm ending things with Chris." Amelia looks at Eva wide eyed. "It wasn't right of me to take him in the first place, and if I could do it all again I wouldn't have done it." Eva cries and Amelia reaches out and grabs her hand.

"Amelia how can you ever forgive us? Forgive me?" Eva says sniffling. Amelia smiles sadly at the girl.

"Cause you guys are all I've got."

Hey guys so it's my birthday!!! Yayyyyyy

Haha so Eva and Amelia are made up, not necessarily best friends or even friends but they're not gonna like hide from each other and shit like that.

Eva and Chris are over *crowd cheers* and Amelia has her opportunity. But so has Chris so what will Amelia do to make him work for it?

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