Chapter 4

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"No Vilde William will not be coming." Noora says and Vilde pouts.

"It's a couples party!" She exclaims. "All the couples are going come on Noo-" Vilde stops talking when she sees who's walking up. Amelia and Sana stand in front of them and Amelia gulps at the sight of her old friends.

It had only been a year and a half since they'd talked but it felt like an eternity. They didn't look much different at all, and they shouldn't considering they were still so young.

"Sana." Chris says looking at her and Amelia. "Well, what happened?" She looks at Sana for answers.

"I think Amelia should be the one to explain herself." Sana says and sits down next to the other girls leaving Amelia standing alone in front of them.

"Um hei guys." Amelia says looking at all their stoke cold faces. She laughs to herself hoping to lighten the mood but then tension could but cut with a knife. Amelia takes a deep breath.

"I'm a bad person." Amelia says and Noora scoffs, Amelia glares at her for a second, becoming herself, but then looks down at the ground cowering. Noora gives her a strange look, she wasn't who she used to know.

"I'm so so sorry." Amelia says holding back tears. "Everything I said, was bullshit. And hurtful, and I-I can't believe I hurt any of you." Amelia says swallowing hard. She was having a hard time just looking at them. It was hard to look at people who were your world, and they just weren't anymore. "I messed up. I fucked up." Amelia laughs in pity of herself. "And I'm not the same girl. As much as I want her back I really can't get her back. I want to be confident I want to be boss I want to be happy." Amelia cries and Vilde gets up to help the girl who looks like her legs would give out on her. "But I'm just broken." Amelia says. "I'm just alone." She says as Vilde let's her sit in her spot.

After a long silence she continues. "I had a baby." Chris jumps out of her seat and Nooras eyes go wide.

"What?!" Vilde exclaims and then covers her mouth with her hands.

"It died, she was born prematurely, and she died." Amelia cries and Noora wipes away tears. "I miss her so much. I remember finding out and being terrified because Chris wasn't with me anymore, but I just, I want my baby." Amelia cries into her hands.

"What!" Amelia looks at the seven pregnancy tests in her hands. "No no no no." She says frantically double checking each one. She slides down her wall in tears. How could she do this? Alone? Chris wasn't there, hadn't been now for about a week, and now this?

How was she going to tell him? She decided she wouldn't. She felt he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve to know that his child was walking to earth, without him. He didn't deserve to know anything about Amelia anymore, not after the complete and utter betrayal, worse than just cheating alone.

Amelia cried and cried in the bathroom, she wanted to call Eva but that would never happen. She thought of Noora but remembered she couldn't call her or Sana or Chris or Vilde because she had cast them aside. She cried harder at the thought, she was truly, alone.

"God why!" She yelled. She didn't want the baby, she couldn't want the baby. She briefly considered abortion but decided against it. Amelia Mohn was strong, at least here she was, and so she decided to keep it, because she would show Chris what a mistake he made. And what he was missing.

After Amelia had collected herself the girls all looked at the broken shell of their former friend. She really wasn't the Amelia they knew, she was different, in so many ways. She acted older, too old for her age and seemed like she was tired, emotionally and physically, and she's was.

"I'm sorry guys I'm so so sorry." Amelia sniffles. They all look at her in pity. In truth each and every one of them missed her. They missed her spunk, her carefree attitude and honestly her bitchy ways.

"Amelia," Noora tilts her head up so she's looking at her. "We love you, and we don't want to see you like this. We can see you are extremely sorry. And on behalf of everyone," Noora looks around and they all nod. "We except your apology." Amelia makes an odd excited exclamation and throws her arms around Nooras neck, attacking her into a hug. Noora is taken by surprise but hugs her back immediately smiling as the rest of the girls pile on top. The group hug was exactly what Amelia needed.

"Thanks guys." Amelia says laughing and wiping away tears. They all smile at her.

"Now there is something you need to understand, we still-"

"Hang out with Eva and Chris." Amelia finishes nodding. They all nod in response. "I don't care. Honestly maybe I should, I've been so afraid of it. Maybe it's time I face my demons." Amelia says talking to herself more than the girls who cheer in response. "I'm not saying I like either of them, hell I may hate them." Amelia says and they nod. "But I can tolerate them." She breathes. "I hope." She says under her breath so no one could hear.

"Well you are not facing them like you are now." Sana looks her over and laughs. Amelia glares at her. "That, that is what you need. Your snark, your sass, your confidence." Sana says pointing at the girl and everyone murmurs in agreement.

"Well how do I get that back?" Amelia asks.

"It's in you. Just suppressed. Trust me, we'll have you back to normal before Friday." Vilde smiles.

"You're gonna act like a twenty year old again. Not a middle aged mom." Chris laughs and they all do. It felt good to be with them all laughing. Normal, and fun. Noora stands and smiles at them all.

"Okay guys, let's get Amelia Mohn back."

So they all forgave her yay!

Amelia's gotta face Chris & Eva 😬😬 ooo how's that gonna go? 🤔 oh wait I already know😂😝 sorryyy

Anyways so yay Amelia will soon be back to her old snarky confident bitch we all know and love.

What do you think will happen when Chris and Amelia see each other after a year and a half?
What about Eva and Amelia?

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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