Chapter 2

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Amelia was lounging on her couch with nothing to do. She never had anything to do. Scrolling through facebook she sees how all her friends were doing. Well, old friends.

When Amelia broke things off with Chris, for obvious reasons, Amelia lost touch with all her friends from school. She missed them, they were her world.

And lost touch was a weak word in comparison. Amelia didn't have the best time dealing with the situation, many of them might still be mad at her for the hurtful things she said. But she knew someone wouldn't.

To Sana:


Amelia stopped there. She didn't know what else to say. What could she say after what had happened?

"How could you side with her? After what she's done!" Amelia yells into the wind at her friends standing across from her.

"Amelia please we're not siding with anyone!" Noora yells back. The wind was loud and whipped all around them. Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Oh sure, of course." Amelia scoffs. "I am hurting! I am hurt! She ruined everything!" Amelia yells.

"Chris did this too Amelia." Girl Chris says and Amelia stands there, knowing it's true but currently mad at the other one responsible.

"You know what Chris maybe lose a few before you talk to me about relationships maybe you could be in one." Amelia says and everyone gasps.

"Amelia!" Sana yells but Amelia just shakes her head.

"No no no you and your high and mighty religion, go hide behind it and while you're at it hide behind a whore who betrayed me." She points her finger right at Sana.

"And you," she looks over at Vilde. "Why are you allowed to wallow for a year about you and Magnus why am I not? You're not fucking special Vilde." Amelia spits out.

"And you," she looks right at Noora. "You and William are happy, why can't I be?" Amelia says completely defeated. "Maybe if I had lost my virginity at 13 I would be able to get back my man." Amelia says and then turns and walks away.

"Thanks for nothing." She murmurs.

That was the last time she had talked or heard from them. She sighs and continues her message.

To Sana:

Hey, Sana,

I know you probably didn't expect this, and you probably don't want to hear it, but hi. And I'm sorry. I so sorry for all the hurtful things I've said. I didn't mean any of it. I was angry and immature and a horrible person, hell I may still be.

I just needed to say I'm sorry. And that I miss you, I miss all of you. I made a huge mistake that day and I pay for it everyday I sit alone at home.

If you want, I would love to meet you. Maybe get some coffee? Tomorrow even? I understand if you don't, I wouldn't want to either.

Anyway, take care


Amelia looks over the text several times before hitting send and throwing her phone across the couch, as if it would explode. Thinking about that day she thinks of the causes of that day. All the way at the beginning, the warning signs.

"Chris?" Amelia yells through the house. He wasn't there. She didn't know why. He hadn't called to tell her he wouldn't be.

"Chris!" Amelia yells once more and the door opens. Amelia runs to it.

"Chris?" She says running up to him. "Where have you been?" She asks. He sighs, he looked drunk.

"Just a party." He says and Amelia raises her eyebrows at him.

"That's the 2nd one without me. Why?" Amelia asks.

"It was just some first year Emma's party for the Kose group and Vilde invited me."

"Oh the kose group, I don't go to that." Amelia says quietly.

"I'm tired, meet me in bed?" He smirks.

"Of course." He kisses her and she smiles. She didn't know why then but his lips were glossy.


"Eva needs what again?" Amelia asks running after Chris to the door. It seemed all she had been doing lately was running after him.

"She just wants me to help her with some homework." Chris says putting on his jacket.

"What? You were awful in school." Amelia says confused.

"I'll be home later." He shuts the door in her face. He was cold, ice cold.



"Let me guess, Eva and you need to do something else? What's going on Chris?" Amelia asks standing in front of the door, arms crossed.

"Yes." He says looking at the ground.

"Then don't let me stop you." Amelia says venom in her voice as she opens the door for him.


"Just go." Amelia's eyes stare daggers into his. He hesitates looking at the door, and then he brushes right past her, out the door. "Chris!" Amelia yells as he starts his car. She by now had her suspicions. But she knew, oh she knew, she had lost Chris.

Amelia wipes away tears at the last memory. She hated remembering what a fool she had been. A fool not to see it coming and not to do anything about it. She had trusted too much, she sure as hell wouldn't do that again.

Her phone buzzes and Amelia looks across the couch at it dramatically. It could just be someone else, but what other friends did she have?

She slowly goes over and picks up the phone looking at it scared out of her mind.

Sana: tomorrow, coffee, 11 am.

Hey guys so yes you're learning about more and more about what happened. Every once in a while there will be flashbacks of what happened and you'll get more information and understand better.

Clearly you know now that Eva and Chris are together and they cheated on Amelia and Amelia lost everyone because of it. She really is broken

Thanks for all the love!

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