Chapter 17

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Waking up was a beautiful thing for Amelia. With Chris's arms around her everything felt right. That was, until she realized she was still in a strangers bed at this party.

"Chris." Amelia whispers poking his face. He only turned away from her. "Little fucker." Amelia groans and decides that the best way to get him up, was to literally push him off the bed.

She gets ready to push but then Chris shoots up as if someone had thrown a bucket of water on his head and scared the life out of Amelia. She screams and fall back, missing the bed frame by a little and falling face first onto the ground.

"Chris!" She yells as he looks around very startled. He notices what had just happened and he bursts out laughing crawling over the bed to help her back in. "I literally hate you." Amelia puffs out.

"Nah, you love me." Chris smiles and Amelia rolls her eyes but her smile says it all. Chris pulls her back into their cuddling position and sighs. "I missed this."

"Me too." Amelia smiles. "But," she says getting out of his embrace. "We aren't officially a couple yet." Chris sits up shocked at Amelia's words.

"What? Why?" Chris ask. Amelia only smiles at him.

"Don't worry. I just want to take it slow this time, you know, actually date." Amelia explains and cris slowly nods processing her words.

"Okay." He says after a while. "But you're gonna be compliant?" He laughs and Amelia throws a pillow at him.

"Yes I love you." She says in a mock tone and he gives her a look that only makes her laugh.

"Chris this is just me, I'm still me, I still want you, I just want to go slower this time, really know each other and really be in a relationship. I feel like we never did any of that." Amelia Says sadly. Chris picks up her hanging head in his hands and cups her face.

"I will do whatever if I get to be with you." Chris smiles and kisses Amelia softly. She smiles into the kiss, she was happy.

"Then let's go." Amelia pulls him out of bed and throws his clothes at him. "Get dressed."

"What are we going?" He asks putting his shirt over his head.

"We are going on a date, and this time, I'm the one taking you." Amelia smiles.

"First date?" Chris muses and Amelia scoffs rolling her eyes.

"I think we've had enough of those." Amelia sighs and Chris nods knowing the toll 'first dates' have had on their relationship.

"What are we doing?" He says fixing his hair in some mirror.

"That's for me to figure out and for you to not know." Amelia says admitting she had no idea what they were going to do.

"Well then I'm going to pressure you and say let's go." He pushes her out the door playfully. When they leave the room Chris wraps his arms around her torso and picks her up into the air.

"Chris no!" Amelia starts hitting him as he puts her down.

"Never!" He picks her up again throwing her slightly and catching her. Amelia screams.

"Stop it!" She laughs and feels Chris's lips on her neck kissing her sweetly. They keep laughing and laughing until they see who's in front of them. A set of parents stand there and look at them in shock. Chris puts Amelia down immediately and they cough awkwardly.

"Lovely home." Amelia smiles trying to save herself and then grabs Chris's arm and drags him out of the house.

"That was embarrassing." Amelia face palms once there outside.

"Let's go." Chris takes Amelia's hand and walks to her car and she goes around and gets into the drivers seat. Chris jumps into the passenger and they're off.

"I'll stop by your place so you can change and then we can go back to my place." Amelia says tapping the steering wheel.

"Okay." Chris says grabbing her other hand as she drives around. Amelia felt great in his presence, something she hadn't felt in a long time.

"I'll be right back." Chris jumps out of the car and runs up to his house. He is back right away in new clothing and Amelia shakes her head. She had just gotten the idea for what they would be doing.

"You need to pack a suitcase, a big one and bring whatever you need, I'll be back in an hour Chris trust me on this." Amelia says pushing him out of the car and starting it engine. He looks at her like she's crazy but trudges back into the house for his things.

Amelia drives home and grabs all she needs, throwing it into a bag and packing for the trip. She was excited and scared, she didn't know how this would happen, they hadn't done anything like it.

After showering and getting ready she grabbed all her things and put them in the trunk of her car, then she drives back over to Chris's.

Getting out the car Amelia knocks on the door and Chris answers immediately.

"What going on?" He asks as he lugs his bag to the back of the car and puts it in the trunk. Amelia is silent as he gets into the passenger seat.

Driving was madness because Chris wouldn't shut up. "What are we doing? Seriously Amelia? Where are we going?" Chris pestered her. Soon the airport came into view and Chris's eyes went wide.

"What's going on? Where are we going babe?" Chris asked worried but the excitement was in his voice as well. Amelia smirks.

"I'm taking you to California."

Wow plot twist ahahhaa

I bet you NEVER Saw that coming ahahahhaa

Anyways hope y'all liked the chapter sorry it took so long to update but I've been busy lately ah

Hope you guys can forgive

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