Chapter 29

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"Eva I really didn't want to go out." Amelia whines at the bar.

"I'm taking you out though, you've been in that house, not seeing the light for a month." Eva says taking a sip of her drink. Amelia rolls her eyes. Would you want to go out and face the world knowing your soulmate died? Didn't think so.

"I wanted to see you smile again." Eva says looking at her disinterested friend.

"Well cuz, that won't happen for a while." Amelia sighs taking a large gulp of her drink.

"Hello? Amelia my name is Eva Mohn. And trust me, by the end of the night. If you haven't even cracked a pity grin..." Eva surveys the room. "..I'll jump on that table in the center and take my top off." Amelia looks at Eva like she's crazy.

"No you won't." Amelia says calling her bluff.

"Pinky promise." Eva holds out her pinky and Amelia, rolling her eyes joins it with her own.

"Game on." Amelia says taking another big sip.

"You got it. Follow me." Eva says getting up from the bar and heading towards the dance floor of the club. She starts dancing like an idiot trying to get Amelia to crack a smile. "Nothing?" She says once she realizes everyone is looking at her. Amelia shakes her head.

"Um..." Eva looks around the room and her eyes settle on the bar where a girl was sitting sipping her drink. She grabs Amelia's hand and rushes over to her.

"Eva..." Amelia groans. When they get there the girl is looking at the two of them weird.

"Hello?" She says once she sees two girls standing in front of her. One smiling wide and the other looking like she wanted to kill herself.

"Hello my name is Eva and this is my cousin Amelia." Eva says extending a hand to the girl who reluctantly takes it.

"Jamie." She says looking very confused. "Can I help you?"

"Well yes you see I'm trying to get her to smile because something terrible happened to her and she hasn't smiled in months. So I just need you to do one thing." Eva smirks. The girl looks confused but intrigued by Eva and Amelia's situation.

"What?" She asks smirking.

"This." Eva pulls the girl off of her barstool and locks lips with her. Amelia's gasps and her eyes go wide, but not as wide as Jamie's. To Amelia and Eva's, and probably even Jamie's surprise, she kissed back. Eva and this random girl were making out. Amelia wasn't smiling, she wanted to laugh maybe but she wasn't smiling. She was shocked, mouth agape she covered her mouth to hide the slight smile that crept into her lips. 

When Eva and Jamie pulled apart Jamie looked really flustered. Looking around has got up and headed straight for the bathroom. Eva turned around to face Amelia who still stood hands over her mouth. Eva looked fucked.

"That wasn't exactly what I expected to be honest." Eva says laughing and Amelia almost joins in. "Was that a smile?" She smirks pointing at Amelia who hides her lips and shakes her head.


Eva rolls her eyes and sighs. "Fine. This will make you smile, or so help me you're too far gone." Eva points at Amelia and then runs to the center table in the club.

"Wait!" Amelia yells knowing what Eva was about to do, but it was too late. Eva stood on the table and her top was off in seconds. Everyone around her cheered and hollered, some even threw money on her.

Amelia was definitely smiling. She was full on laughing when Eva got down from that table and put her top back on.

"You we're gonna do that whether I smiled or not weren't you?" Amelia laughs.

"You got me there cuz." Eva winks and orders a drink at the bar.

"I'll have one too." Amelia Calls after the bartender. "Thank you."

"For what?" Eva asks.

"For making me smile. It seems small but I haven't done that in a long time. And it feels kind of ironic that I'm back where I started, with you." Amelia nods. Eva smiles. The drinks come right then.

"Anything for you. I know things haven't been the same between us since..the thing. But you'll always be my best friend and I'll spend my whole life trying to make up for what I did." Eva says and Amelia nods. She knows Eva was sorry and that she wants to make it up.

Amelia wanted to be friends with her again. She was kinda. She just didn't think it could ever go truly back to where it was. Maybe her closest friend didn't have to be Eva. But maybe Eva could still be a friend.

"And I love you for that. Truly, Eva you are an amazing girl and what you did was wrong. But, you're my cousin, my family." Amelia grabs her hand. "And I thank you for everything you've done for me." Eva squeezes Amelia's hand.

"Of course." Eva smiles.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight. This is the most fun I've had in months." Amelia chuckles.

"Are you ready for Saturday?" Eva asks. Amelia solemnly nods.

"Yeah, for Chris's funeral, I don't think I was ever ready. Or that I ever will be. I still can't believe they waited so long." Amelia takes a big gulp of her drink.

"You know his mother, she wanted everyone to be composed." Eva says.

"No ones going to be composed." Amelia mutters.

"To Chris." Eva holds up her drink for a toast. Amelia slightly smiles.

"To Chris."

Yayyyy update. Amelia isn't moping right now! Yayyyyy

I wanted a happier chapter to show that even though Chris is gone Amelia is not gone, you know what I mean? Okay good.

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