Chapter 12

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Amelia woke up dissatisfied with her and Chris's conversation the night before. She knew he would come back, he would fight for her. He had said he wanted her, wanted her badly. But, it was....desperate. She didn't know any other way to put other than just plain desperate. He wanted her and was willing to do anything for her. Why wasn't that enough?

She knew why. Her walls were up and stronger than ever. She couldn't hurt someone so vulnerable. She wouldn't let herself. So, she decided she needed the old Chris back. The one with all his walls. The one who wouldn't only fight for her, but play the game. Be in the game. It was fun, the chase, and Amelia loved it. The two were good at what they did. And she pushed out the unpleasant memories of it before, wanting to completely start over with Chris. Almost as if they hadn't met but they had. She needed him in the game and if she had to break him to do that, then that's what she would do. And she had a plan.

Amelia jumped out of bed hurriedly getting ready. Once she was done she dialed Chris, and then she hung up. He called her back immediately.


"Ah Chris." Amelia says as if she hadn't just called him. She could practically see him rolling his eyes on the other end.

"Hello Amelia." He chuckles and now Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Did you need something?" She asks.

"Well...." he says thinking, he wasn't the one to plan the phone call. "Wanna meet up tonight?" He asks hope evident in his voice. Amelia's smile turns evil.

"No." She says. She could feel his disappointment. "But I'd like to do something now, and then lead into the night." She laughs. He sighs.

"Okay, I'll come get you now." He says excitedly and Amelia giggles before hanging up the phone and rolling her eyes. He was like a kid in love. And maybe she liked that when she was happy and in love. But right now, she just wanted someone as miserable as her.

The knock at the door made Amelia spring to life as she ran to answer it. "Chris!" She threw her arms around his neck and took him into a surprise hug. He is surprised but is happy at the same time. He thought Amelia was back to being loveable and happy. Oh how wrong he was.

"Amelia I'm glad your-" Chris is stopped by Amelia's kiss. Which is happy and she smiles into it. She was always a wonderful actress because at the moment, she felt nothing kissing his lips. "Wow." Chris says after Amelia pulls away, smiling.

"Come on." She pulls him out the door and closes it behind them. They get in his car and drive. She doesn't know where to but she is happy he was being so gullible.

"Were here." He smiles and gets out the car with her. It was the street that they had first compressed and confessed their love for each other. We all knew who did what.

"Wow...." Amelia says taken by surprise by the sudden rush of emotions this place was bringing back. She needed to leave, she knew that.

"I remember standing here with my heart broken. And here I am fighting for you back." Chris laughs to himself. Amelia laughs to herself there. If he thought this was fighting, he was very very wrong.

"It's getting dark out." Amelia says as she looks at the sun setting over the horizon. "I know of a place we can go." She whispers in his ear and pulls him in the car. She gives him the address and then they are off. During the car ride Amelia basically is out the window screaming down the street. Chris laughs but tells her to get into the car several times.

Amelia sat down and thought of how much Chris had changed. From even just being with her. Their relationship had been intense, strong, and passionate. She wanted that. Not the soft, loveable, calm one he seemed to have had with Eva. She liked all that stuff too. But the main premise was the other things.

"Here." She jumps out of the car before he even parks. It was a party and Noora and Williams she had told them she wasn't going to because she had work the next day and she did, she just didn't want to miss this opportunity with Chris.

Amelia drags him inside and everyone is very confused. Eva sits in a corner and looks at the two wide eyed, then she smiles and does a small wave before getting up and leaving for the next room. Amelia returned the smile before she had left. "Amelia?" Vilde asks coming up to her.

"What are you doing here?" Noora says coming over with William who bro hugs Chris.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Amelia winks and pulls Chris deeper into the party. They begin to dance and have fun laughing together.

"Amelia I'm so happy we did this. I think it just proves that we belong together. Love like this is so strong nothing can get in the way of it." Chris says pulling her close. Amelia throws her arms around his neck and laughs. An evil type of laugh. She had found her opportunity.

"I'm sorry? You thought that we were just going to get back together? You call that fighting Chris?" She smirks evily and Chris's face drops, he even looks a bit scared. "Chris baby," Amelia pouts. "You're going to have to do a lot more to get me. I don't need you. I could have anyone and we both know that." She whispers in his ear and his grip on her loosens. She pushes away from him and goes over to some hot guy next to them pulling him into a kiss. The guys responds immediately kissing her back. Amelia spots Chris and locks eyes with him while making out with the guy. He looks shocked and a little odd, as if something was changing inside of him.

All of a sudden he grabs some girl and his mouth is on hers. Amelia smirks to herself as she feels the excited jealous knot in her stomach form. They both drop their hook up and stare deep into each other's eyes.

"Game on Amelia Mohn." He smirks into her eyes and Amelia knew she had her Chris back. The one with all walls like her. Amelia smirks.

"Game on."

Heyyyyyy guyssss Amelia and Chris are both like their psychopath selves with that yayyyyy
Hahahaha come on they were hot like that.

Anyway so for the q&a please ask as many question as possible on here and I will be sure to answer them in a part!! Thank you guys :)))

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