Chapter 18

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"Amelia this is crazy." Chris says putting his luggage on the conveyer to go through TSA.

"I know, that's why I'm doing it." Amelia smiles and goes through the metal detector. When Chris is on the other side they grab their things and head to their gate.

"What happened to going slow?" Chris asks raising an eyebrow. Amelia smiles knowing she was not going with what she had said.

"Just think of it as an extreme date." Amelia says and Chris laughs rolling his eyes. He grabs her hand and they walk to the gate. "I won't be sleeping with you, but I'll be trying to get to know California." Chris laughs at her attempt to try and explain herself.

Amelia didn't know exactly why she was taking Chris to California. She could do everything right here. She guessed she just wanted Chris to see this part of her, the part of her that did grow up in California for some years.

"The plane leaves soon." Chris says as we arrive at the gate and see people already boarding.

"Aren't we lucky?" Amelia says referring to the tickets they got. The last ones next to each other on the plane.

"Boarding group three." Chris reads his boarding pass and the two get into the third line. "How's this going to work?"  He asks as they stand in line and group two begins to go through.

"Not sure." Amelia admits. "Of course I had a house in California but I doubt anyone lives there anymore, even my stupid father had to have left." Amelia gets slightly angry at the thought of her father. In a way he was responsible for her mothers death, her turmoil, and her being in Norway in the first place.

"Well, I'll rent a house on the plane, we'll be okay."

"Amelia how much money do you think I make?" Chris scoffs.

"Enough to save our relationship let's hope." Amelia says and she hears Chris laughs lightly and roll his eyes. "Come on, were living in the moment. I think part of our problem is that we think to much. We need to be spontaneous, that always brings out the best in us." She says and Chris nods understanding.

The light for boarding group three went on and the line started moving. Amelia was starting to rethink her decision to just uproot to California for who knows how long. But it was short lived as she handed in her ticket to be scanned and walked into the loading platform with Chris holding her hand. She had to listen to her own words and live in the moment, be spontaneous.

"Are you ready for this?" Amelia asks Chris, seriously wondering if he was down for this.

"Always." He smiles and the smile that had fallen returned to Amelia's face.

"Then after you." Amelia let's Chris board the plane first and they get to their seats in the middle of the plane. "Sorry I didn't get first class, I am only a bartender." Amelia jokes. She made much more than that, she owned the bar, and it was very successful.

"Shut up." Chris laughs and someone comes to sit on the end of them. This person would soon regret buying the ticket on this flight because of Chris and Amelia.

"Come on tell me." Chris laughs.

"Okay okay, I was fifteen." Amelia says.

"Really?!" Chris exclaims.

"Shhhh." Amelia giggles.

"You should've been kissed earlier."

"You knew I lost my virginity at fifteen."

"Yes but that didn't have to mean kissing."

"Would you two please shut up?" The guy next to them said. Amelia and Chris looked at him awestruck and laughing slightly. "We get it, you're in love, now leave everyone else alone." The man says and puts in his earbuds.

Amelia and Chris exchange and look and then burst out laughing. "Oh my god are we that bad?" Amelia asks.

"Worse probably." Chris laughs. He takes her hand. "Hey, how long will we be, you know, in California?" Chris asks. Amelia thinks it over.

"Maybe a week or two. Think of it like a vacation. And you have your own personal tour guide." Amelia kisses his hand intertwined with hers. He smiles and the captain comes on the intercom to tell them they were going to take off.

"Oh god I've never liked flying." Chris complains. Amelia laughs quietly.

"Are you serious? I know we were together only like for six months but, really? Flying? You, Chris Schistad, are afraid of flying?" Amelia giggles into her hand. Chris rolls his eyes.

"Wow thank you so much for your life saving commentary. I've always wanted to woman I love to ridicule me about my fears." Chris says sarcastically and it only makes Amelia laugh harder.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." She says calming herself down but still lightly laughing. "I just didn't picture it. You're the strong one, the one who's tough." Amelia points out.

Chris leans into her closely and looks at her like she's crazy. "Amelia you are the strongest person I have ever met." He says seriously and Amelia's smile drops as she listens to his words. "I know you don't think so but you are. You've been through more shit than anyone has ever had to deal with in their lifetime and I caused some of it. Honestly I don't know how you do it. You inspire me, to be strong." Chris's words touch Amelia deeply. She sees the truth and the honestly in his tone, he really believed  it.

"Thank you." Amelia says. She doesn't know what else to say, so she just grabs his face lightly and kisses him. The two smile into the kiss and pull apart.

"This is your captain speaking and we are clear for take off, please stay seated with your seatbelt on until the seatbelt light goes on."  The pilot said over the intercom.

"Ready?" Amelia asked again. Chris grabs her hand.


I am back,
It is true.

I just want to explain some things right now. I am sorry that I didn't post all month but I did put out a statement on my profile that said this month there would be little to NO posting because it was audition month I had auditions and crazy stuff going on.

I know this isn't all of you but some of you did come back and say things like "you better post!" Or "where are you I don't like you now." And honestly that hurts.

Please understand that I do have obligations and a life and we will be okay. I am back and I should be posting regularly now. I love this book and I love all of you and I just really want to enjoy myself on here.

Thank you for all your love and support and I hope you continue to enjoy this book and my writing

Remember to like, comment, share, and love!

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