Chapter 24

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The phone is ringing.

The phone is ringing.

The phone is ringing.

"Oh my goshhhh." Amelia rolls over. It's been about an hour and a half since Chris left her and so it was still in the wee hours of the night. Amelia grabs her phone.

"Miss Mohn?" A voice on the other end says and Amelia immediately sits up in her bed.

"This is she." She says. Why would someone be calling her so early in the morning, knowing her name?

"Miss Mohn you need to come meet me right now." The man on the other end says.

"What? Who are you?" She asks now getting frightened.

"Miss Mohn my name is Chief Kinniman. And I'm sorry but i am calling you under some bad pretenses." Amelia's heart rate picks up. "Miss Mohn," her hands start to shake. "Christoffer Schistad has been in a car accident." The phone drops to the floor. She hears the glass shatter as it lands on its face. Stunned. One tear falls down her face as her breathing becomes irregular. More follow and she screams out. She cries out for Chris. She can't believe this has happened. Just moment ago she was wrapped up in his arms. And now she was alone in her room and he was somewhere lying down on the street. She doesn't know where she's going but she gets up and goes to her car. Getting in the garage opens and she speeds out of the driveway.

Amelia Mohn drives like a maniac all over town. She's been doing this for about twenty minutes when she sees the flashing lights and speeds towards them. She stops very short of another person and practically jumps out of her car.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to back off this is a crime scene." An officer says and Amelia looks at him with her tear stained face.


"Richardson she's with me." A taller man with blonde hair says. It must be Kinniman. The other police officer lets her through and Amelia shrieks when she sees the collision. One cars front is smashed, but Chris's car, his car is demolished as the front of the other car hit the drivers side.

"No no!" Amelia cries falling to her knees. "What happened!? What happened?! Oh my god oh my god..." Amelia cries hysterically. Kinniman helps Amelia off the ground and helps her to try and stand.

"Ma'am I am so sorry." He says as she flails around helplessly.

"Is he okay?"

Amelia stops moving and stares right into the officers eyes. They are sad and filled with pity. Tears still pour from her eyes as she waits for that answer. An answer that would break her.

"Miss Mohn, Christoffer died on impact. The crash was too severe, I'm sorry. I know this must be devastating for yo..."

As Officer Kinniman talks Amelia's ears begin to ring. She can't hear anything now. She can only replay those words over and over in her head.

Chris was dead.

Amelia slowly unlatches herself from the officer and starts walking away as if in a drunken haze. She hears people shout her name and tell her to come back. She sees an ambulance with the person driving the other car on a stretcher. An old man.

Amelia feels arms wrap around her as she tries to walk farther and she flops into their arms like a lifeless body. She felt that she already was.

Chris was dead.

The man who was holding her was shouting things at her but she couldn't hear them. She just heard nothingness. Felt nothingness. Saw nothingness.

Chris was dead.

Did anything even matter anymore? Amelia's life was Chris. Amelia had nothing to go back to. Nothing at all. Her father she hadn't spoken to in years. Her mother was dead. Eva and her were far from actually being close. Her friends and her had just made up. Who did she have left?

Chris was dead. That was the only thing she knew. And that fact was enough to kill her. Maybe not physically but inside Amelia Mohn was shutting down. There was nothing there for her.

Amelia's eyes still bore tears as she looked up dazed and lazy at the sky past the man who was trying to get her to respond. The sky. That had to be where Chris was. She had to believe it. She had believe he was still with her. That Chris was someone somewhere better than where she was. And she wanted nothing more than to be with him.

Amelia finally regained some hearing.

"Miss Mohn!" The man yells and she hears him. She looks at him with recognition and he sighs. She just smiles as the final tears come out.

"You know what the worst part of this is?" She says quietly and the man gives her a confused look.

"It's all my fault."

And with that Amelia's eyes close and she can't hear a thing.

All is black all is calm.

Okay guys so this happened.

Im so sorry but this was why I wanted to keep writing. Because of this moment. It's been a plan for a long time. This was a hard chapter to write and I hope though it's sad you all like it.

Thank you.

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