Chapter 22

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"Good morning."

Amelia looks over at Chris and stays silent. He was trying to be normal but she wouldn't have it.

"Come on Amelia." Chris gets up from his seat in the kitchen. "Im sorry." He says going to touch her but she just moves away. "What more can I do?" Chris pleads.

"I don't know Chris, how about actually something?" Amelia scoffs. "You haven't done anything. You've just said good morning and tried to act like nothing happened. So I suggest maybe trying." Amelia glares at him and goes back to her room closing the door behind her. She signs and shakes her head. Why did things have to be so complicated?

Amelia goes over to the bed and contemplates her and Chris's relationship. The fight they had yesterday shouldn't have even been a fight. She just wanted Chris to admit he wanted to hurt that guy and that he was just Chris. She isn't get that. Instead she got her character thrown in her face, a flaw that wasn't even hers, the will to change another.

She didn't want Chris to change she didn't really know one hundred percent what she did want from him. She just wanted the real him she thought. And he didn't want to give that.

There was a knock at the bedroom door and Amelia looks up startled. She sighs knowing it's Chris. "Go away."

"Amelia let me in please we need to talk." Chris says from the other side. After no answer he tries again. "Come on Ame this is me trying here." He says with more feeling and a bit quieter. Amelia sighs knowing he was trying to fix this and gets to to the door. Hesitantly she pulls it open and sees Chris leaning on the door frame. Amelia walks away from the door and sits on the bed.

"Hey." Chris sighs and walks in the door closing it behind him. He slowly walks over to where Amelia sits on the bed and sits down next to her. "I'm sorry." He begins.

"Yeah I bet you are." Amelia scoffs. Chris bites his tongue from saying something stupid.

"Amelia," Chris touches her hand and she jumps at the sudden feeling. "Sorry," he says quickly. "Amelia I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I'm sorry that I made you feel like I was treating you like Eva. You're not Eva. I don't want Eva I want you." Chris sighs. "Amelia ever since I've met you I had this feeling that we would be complicated. But beautifully complicated. Like a puzzle with too many pieces for any human to solve. And I wanted to be that with you, because you're the one I want to be with." Chris says and a hint of a smile is on Amelia's face.

"When did you grow up?" She laughs lightly. "That was beautiful." She turns and touches his cheek. Chris tilts his head down trying to hide the blush on his cheek. "I'm sorry too." Amelia nods. "I probably overreacted I just felt like you weren't tell me something and I started freaking. I'm sorry." Amelia sighs nodding her head. Chris smiles and plants a small kiss on her lips.

"I just didn't know if you would still want me if I was still kind of like, high school me." Chris says honestly.

"I wouldn't want anyone else but you. High school you is the one I fell in love with. The adult you is the one I'm falling for once more and adult you still has the real you in it. And I wouldn't want anything else." Amelia smiles. Chris laughs.

"Also, the real you is pretty hot." Amelia says trailing her fingers along Chris's chest.

"Really?" Chris says already knowing this. Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Remember all the hot sex we had as teens?" Amelia smiled.

"Yeah." Chris smirked.

"Who says we can't do that now?" Amelias smiles turns to match Chris's smirk and she quickly straddles him on the bed.

"I like where this is going." Chris says and Amelia giggles. Their lips meet and sparks fly like it was the first time they kiss.

"Gosh." Amelia moans as Chris finds the sweet spot on her neck. "Fuck." His hands trail all over her body and Chris smirks before he flips her over so he's on top.

Chris takes off his shirt and Amelia slowly feels up his body. Amelia's own shirt is off soon and things get a bit more rough.

"Chris." Amelia Mohns as he pulls her hair making her head arch back. Chris trails a finger across her jawline.

"God I can't wait to fuck you baby."

Yes this is short but that's because next chapter is super sweet and yeah I love it.

It's more of a filler chapter and honestly soon you'll see why I wanted to keep writing because there's a pretty big turning point.

Anywayssss hope you enjoyed

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