01. weird feelings

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Jazmin's Point of View
It's another one of those Saturday morning things when you get to relax and take a break from hell- oops I mean school. Anyway, I'm sitting on my bed wearing a white long sleeve and grey sweatpants, thinking what I should do later on.

I got up from the warmth and comfort of my bed, and walked over to Joel's room. We don't get along very well ever since our parents got a new job and they are not home often anymore. Either way, I still like to check up on him, even though he's like two years older than me.

I turned the knob on his door but it was locked. "Joel?" I knocked on his door.

After a couple of seconds there stood Joel in only his shorts asking:

"What do you want?"

I stood there with my head down thinking about what I should say.

"I-um... I was just checking up on you"

I looked up and noticed some reddish purple bruises on his neck.

"Joel? What's that?" I said pointing at the marks.

"Um, my neck. What else?"

He tried closing the door but I stopped it with my foot. "Joel," I said sternly, "were you at some girls house again?"

He nodded, slowly.

Next thing you know my hand met his cheek, "You're such a disgust! Mom and dad didn't raise us like this!"

He pinned my against the wall, squeezing my shoulders, he said, "Well guess what? Mom and dad aren't here. I can do whatever I wan-"

"J-Joel...you're hurting me." I said breathless.

His face softened as he let me go, pulling me into a tight hug. "I-I'm so sorry Jazmin" he said sobbing.

I pulled away and asked, "why?"

"I don't know. I feel like I don't have control over myself."

"We could have talked about it" I whispered.

He broke down again. Maybe my parent's job has done him no good. It has given us freedom, but maybe a little bit too much freedom. I hugged him again, "Shh... Joel breath" I cooed. "Don't make me fall this hard... never again." He croaked. "I promise I won't."

"I'm going to sleep now. I need some time to think about this." He said.

"Get all the rest you need. Also, can Alya and Jesus come over?"

He smiled and said, "sure." He petted my head and went back inside to his room.

I also went back to my room. Ever since since my parents got a new job, it has done me and my brother no good. It has turned my brother into something he is not. But I will make sure he will change. He didn't want to be this way.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and went to the group chat me, Alya, and Jesus had.

the littest gc🔥
alyaaa💕, jesus😝

me: hey hoes wanna
come over?

jesus😝: ofc
alyaaa💕: sounds like
plan ;)

About ten minutes passed by and I heard a knock on the door. I ran down stairs almost falling. I checked the peep hole on my door and it was Jesus.  I opened it and I immediately hugged him. Dunno why but I did. After we pulled away, he took out his phone and said, "Alya isn't coming"

The text read; tell jazmin i won't be there. i forgot i had to go to this lame party around 3 with my parents:/ xx

I sighed with disappointment and said, "well, let's just go to my room"

Jesus' Point of View

She hugged me. I was a bit shocked at the moment but I grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to me, running my hand up and down her silky smooth hair.

 I was a bit shocked at the moment but I grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to me, running my hand up and down her silky smooth hair

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We pulled away (even though I didn't want to) and I showed her the text Alya had sent me saying that she wasn't gonna come. Jazmin seemed to be a bit disappointed but I was a bit glad.

Ever since a couple of weeks ago I felt something different towards Jazmin. We've been friends for about a year now, but I have never felt this way before. The last time I felt this was three years ago. I was only thirteen but it was a small crush. Nothing big. But other than that, I've never really liked someone this much before. Yeah, she's my best friend, but that's kinda why I have feelings for her. I know everything from her insecurities to her secrets.

My thoughts were cut off by a hand motion back and forth in front of my face.

"Um hello? Jesus? So are we going to my room.?"

"U-Uh yeah c-come on" I stuttered.

God damn it...


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