09: competition

139 16 9

Jesus' Point of View

it was now lunch and we were sitting outside the cafeteria along with alya. me and jazmin next to each other and alya sat across from us.

"so when are you guys gonna make this official?" alya suddenly asked.

jazmin didn't seem to hear her. she seemed lost in her thoughts by the way she said, "huh?"

"when are you guys gonna make it official?" alya pointed with her two fingers.

"make what official?" she asked.

thank god she's clueless. if not, you guys would have been at my funeral. anyway, i'm over here trying to hide my tomato colored face.

"ugh jazmin you're so clueless!" alya said.

"whatever i don't care." she shrugged.

"so..um w-what are we doing for um.. e-english?" i stuttered.

"oh we're just continuing the story we're reading and answering the questions." jazmin said.

"o-oh okay"

i hate it when i get nervous. i can barely talk.

the bell rings and i say, "come on jazmin lets go to science."

"i don't wanna gooo" she pouted.

"bye losers" alya said as she held up the peace sign and headed to her class.

"bye! come on jazmin let's go." i held my hand out for her to reach it.

she grabbed it softly and got up. we walked with out saying a word to our class. when we opened the door we saw that adrian and jace were already sitting at the table. they are the people we talk to in science.

"oooo look at those love birds"

i just realized we were still holding hands when she let go and went to sit next to adrian.

"i'm so tired" jazmin groaned.

i saw adrian lean over to jazmin and he whispered something in her ear; she nodded no. i took my seat next to jace and we waited for the teacher to start.

our table has me, jace, adrian, and jazmin and four other people that i don't know their names.

our teacher told us to just work on what we started on yesterday so we all got out our notebooks.

"what'd you get for... number three?" jazmin asks.

i look up and open my mouth to speak but i realize she was talking to adrian. a rush of jealousy came across my body and my fists balled up under the table.

"dude chill" jace whispered.

i guess he caught on. both jace and adrian know i like jazmin. but ever since i've told them, adrian and jazmin have gotten close.

adrian already has a girlfriend but it's kind of long distance; she goes to a different school in a different school district. but jazmin wouldn't be his type, would she?

"yo" jace whispered.


"hate to say this but.. you have some competition going on." he says and looks over to jazmin and adrian laughing. her cheeks seem a darker shade of pink than usual. oh no..

"b-but her cheeks are always that color," i lied.

"i'm sure they are. but i'm just warning you bud" he pointed at me.

sigh. i just wish i can have her just to myself. i guess you can say i'm selfish.

today she wore her hair down. she also wore jeans. i'm really proud of her for doing that. i know she dislikes them a lot.

science was over and now we had math together. me and jazmin usually walk together but this time she went out with adrian. i rolled my eyes as i followed behind. they stopped at her locker and i kinda had to get in between them. i needed my textbook too.

"excuse me" i muttered. i quickly grabbed my textbook and walked slowly to math class. since i was walking really slow, they walked straight passed me and they stopped at the door. they hugged. they really hugged. but she's mine! i thought.

he walked away and she was about to open the door.

"wait, jazmin!" i grabbed her by the wrist and pulled back.

"ow! can you be any softer?!" she was being sarcastic. she's pretty pissed, i guess.

"what was that about?" i gritted though my teeth as i pointed towards the direction he went.

"what do you mean?" she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"are you guys dating?"

haha! i'm so evil! cliffhanger ;))
- jazmin💗

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