12: pinky promise

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Jazmin's Point of View

what the heck just happened. i just had my first kiss! but with jesus... is that weird? i HAVE to tell alya about this.


alya you have no idea what
just happened

what happened

me and jesus kissed


well we were just watching a
movie and he made me look
his way and we stared at each
other for a while and then it
happened! then i pushed him
away by then he kissed me again
and it sorta turned into a make
out session :((

why the sad face though?

i don't know i feel about it :(

well do you like him back?

i don't know. that's why i
talk to adrian about it

so you talked to adrian but
not me ! i'm offended

it's not that it's just that i
know your little chismosa
self i knew you would tell
jesus or something


but after all that's happened, adrian
says i like jesus but i don't know we've
been friends for about two years
and i'd like to keep it that way

well idk jazmin but he has
hella feelings for you

i still don't believe that

why not ??

because i'm insecure like that

ugh whatever but what are
you gonna do with jesus?


i mean what are you guys?

just friends .

with benefits?

i guess that's how you say it

what's gonna happen tmrw

i'm avoiding him

jazmin you can't just
avoid him

yeah i can

i hate you for this !! you
guys are meant to be !!

stop it with that! he doesn't
like me!

yes! he does! he told me

whatever i'm still avoiding him

see u tomorrow 😒

adios ;-)

bye .

• • • • • • • • • • • • •
wellll i guess that didn't go too great. she said bye with a period! a period! when someone says something with a period over text, they're mad.

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